phoro-, phor-, -phora, -phorous, -phoresis, -phore, -phori, -phoria +

(Greek > Latin: bearer, to bear, carrying; producing, transmission; directing, turning; originally to carry or to bear children)

phoronomics, phoronomia
The science of motion; kinematics.
phoronomy, phoronomics, phoronomic, phoronomia
The theory of motion as deductible from a priori conceptions; that is, proceeding from a known cause to a related effect.
A plant that provides physical support for another plant growing on it, but does not provide nourishment; commonly found in tropical forests.
A fixed trial frame for testing the eyes.
An instrument for exercising the eye muscles.
phorozoon (s) (noun), phorozoons; phorozoa (pl)
A zooid that attaches itself to the back of its parent: While being fixated to its progenitor, the phorozoon carries and nourishes another type at the same time which is called the "gonozooid" that subsequently breaks free to reproduce sexually.

The nonsexual phase or generation of a phorozoon involves an alternation of generations or sequence of reproductive modes.

1. When capitalized, the morning star; the planet Venus when appearing before sunrise.
2. A substance that can emit light when irradiated with particles of electromagnetic radiation.
3. Anything that phosphoresces, or emits light without sensible heat.
phosphorate, phosphorated
To combine or to impregnate with phosphorus.
To continue to emit light without accompanying heat after exposure to and removal of a source of stimulating radiation.
1. Continuing to emit light after the source of stimulating radiation has been removed.
2. Having the property of shining in the dark; luminous without combustion or without sensible heat; self-luminous.
Pertaining to or of the nature of a phosphorus; phosphorescent.
Yielding or containing phosphorus.
1. An apparatus for observing and measuring the duration of phosphorescence in such substances that emit light for a very short period.
2. A scientific toy consisting of an arrangement of glass tubes containing various phosphorescent substances, each of which glows with a different colored light.
An intolerance to light; photophobia.
photophore (s), photophores (pl)
1. A luminous light organ on many deep sea and some nocturnal fish, squids, and shrimps.
2. The light-producing organs found especially in marine fishes which produce light from specialized structures or that derive light from symbiotic luminescent bacteria.

Cross references of word families related to "bear, carry, bring": duc-; -fer; ger-; later-, -lation; port-.