phoro-, phor-, -phora, -phorous, -phoresis, -phore, -phori, -phoria +

(Greek > Latin: bearer, to bear, carrying; producing, transmission; directing, turning; originally to carry or to bear children)

The portion of a molecule that imparts odor to a substance.
oophorectomy, ovariectomy
The excision or removal of one or both ovaries by surgery.
oophoro, oophorous
A reference to the ovary where the egg, or eggs, are carried.
1. A deep-seated and abnormal dislike of certain odors.
2. Intolerance of certain odors.
osmophore, osmophor
1. That part of a chemical which is responsible for the odor of the compound.
2. A group or radical that imparts odor to a compound.
pathophoresis (s) (noun), pathophoreses (pl)
The transmission of a disease by insects, rodents, etc.: Jane was interested in pathophoresis and decided to study the effects of illnesses that had been transferred from certain bugs or gnawers to people.
pathophoria (s) (noun) (no pl)
The instance of a disease being conveyed: Pathophoria can be described as a transmitted infect to a person by an insect or other organism.
1. The part of a molecule causing the specific physiological effects of a drug.
2. A group of atoms believed to represent the critical region within a molecule that is responsible for the pharmacologic activity of the compound.
phonophore, phonophoric
1. Name for the small bones of the ear, or auditory ossicles, as transmitting the vibrations of sound to the labyrinth or internal ear.
2. A form of binaural stethoscope with a bell-shaped chest piece into which project the recurved extremities of the sound tubes.
3. A device to enable the deaf to hear, by conducting vibrations from the speaker's larynx to the hearer's teeth.
1. Transmitting sound-vibrations, as the auditory ossicles.
2. Capable of transmitting sound waves.
A symbiotic relationship in which one organism is transported by another; such as, the hypopus nymph of certain mites, which is adapted to clinging to arthropods or mammals for transport.
phoresy, phoretic
1. A method of dispersal used by some animals in which they cling to the surface of another animal to be carried to a new site, e.g. in search of food.
2. A symbiotic relationship, especially among arthropods and some fishes, in which one organism transports another organism of a different species.
3. A nonparasitic relationship in which one species is carried about by another.
4. Using a second organism for transportation. Examples are the remora on a shark, or mites on dung beetles. Both temporary and permanent phoresy exist.
An expert in tracing the origin of epidemics; especially, outbreaks due to disease carriers.
The study of the role of carriers in conveying diseases.
phorometer, phorometry
1. An instrument for detecting and measuring imbalance in the extrinsic muscles of the eyes.
2. An instrument to test oculomotor balance.
3. An instrument used to correct abnormalities in eye muscles.

Cross references of word families related to "bear, carry, bring": duc-; -fer; ger-; later-, -lation; port-.