phoro-, phor-, -phora, -phorous, -phoresis, -phore, -phori, -phoria +
(Greek > Latin: bearer, to bear, carrying; producing, transmission; directing, turning; originally to carry or to bear children)
1. An early type of static-electricity generator or an apparatus that produces electric charges from the friction between a disk and a metal plate.
2. A generator which produces small amounts of static electricity by induction.
3. An instrument used to produce electric charges by induction.
2. A generator which produces small amounts of static electricity by induction.
3. An instrument used to produce electric charges by induction.
It consists of a hard-rubber disk, that is negatively charged by rubbing with fur, and a metal plate, held by an insulating handle, which is placed on the disk.
The plate is then touched with a grounded conductor, so that the negative charge is removed and the plate has a net positive charge.
esophoria, esophoric
A tendency of the eyes to deviate inward.
A substance that sustains, or maintains, consciousness: Sometimes when Helena is very tired, she drinks some strong coffee which is an esthetophore for her.
This word is difficult to find in dictionaries, however it was defined in the following lexicon and so it does exist:
1. A physician's term for the quality of feeling healthy and comfortable; especially, when sick: The relief and euphoria that Sandra felt following her successful operation was noticed by her parents when they came to visit her.
3. Etymology: from Greek, from euphoros; literally, "bearing well," from eu-, "well" + pherein, "to carry".

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Euphoria can be detected in patients who have an affliction of hyperactivity or also of abnormal conditions of mood connected with other physical disorders.
2. A state of great happiness or well-being: Sam's grandmother was in a state of euphoria when her grandchildren finally came to visit her from Germany.3. Etymology: from Greek, from euphoros; literally, "bearing well," from eu-, "well" + pherein, "to carry".

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A drug that tends to produce euphoria.
Ecstatic: extremely happy or excited.
A feeling of well-being or elation.
1. A latent tendency for each eye to turn outward that is usually countered by the power of binocular vision and only manifests itself when an eye is covered.
2. A form of heterophoria in which there is deviation of the visual axis of one eye away from that of the other eye in the absence of visual fusional stimuli. Also called: exodeviation.
2. A form of heterophoria in which there is deviation of the visual axis of one eye away from that of the other eye in the absence of visual fusional stimuli. Also called: exodeviation.
gametophore, gametophoric
1. An upright branch in plants; such as, mosses that bears the reproductive organs.
2. That part of the plant that bears the gametes or sexual cells. In mosses, all of the plant except the "fruit," or seta and capsule.
2. That part of the plant that bears the gametes or sexual cells. In mosses, all of the plant except the "fruit," or seta and capsule.
The state of existence of an organism bearing one or more known species in intimate contact with it and no other demonstrable viable microorganisms.
Any structure serving to store up or conduct the sexual cells; oviduct, spermatic duct, uterus, or seminal vesicle; an accessory generative organ.
gonophorous, gonophoric
A structure bearing or consisting of a reproductive organ or part; such as, a reproductive polyp or bud in a hydroid colony.
1. An unpleasant sensation derived from touching certain objects.
2. The disagreeable sensation sometimes aroused by touching certain objects; such as, nylon or fine sandpaper.
2. The disagreeable sensation sometimes aroused by touching certain objects; such as, nylon or fine sandpaper.
A stone canal that carries water.
1. An apparatus for measuring the pressure or flow of a fluid.
2. An instrument for recording the flow or pressure of a fluid; e.g., the flow of urine or the pressure of spinal fluid.
2. An instrument for recording the flow or pressure of a fluid; e.g., the flow of urine or the pressure of spinal fluid.
Cross references of word families related to "bear, carry, bring": duc-; -fer; ger-; later-, -lation; port-.