phant-, phanta-, phas-; -phasic, -phant
(Greek: manifest; show, appear, make appear, make visible, display; visible; to show through, to shine through; illustrious)
2. A reference to a period of time when a situation or particular pattern of behavior persists and is often annoying or worrying.
3. Characterized by one of the many parts or aspects of something: "They wanted to restructure the phasic process of their program."
2. Of or pertaining to a set of alternating currents that have the same frequency but different phases and that enter a specified region at more than two points.
2. Consisting of, or occurring, in a number of separate stages.
With reference to an electrical device, or circuit, a polyphaser is designed to supply or to use simultaneously several alternating currents of the same voltage and frequency but with different phases.
2. Habitually doing more than one thing at a time: "She has a polyphasic personality."
2. Characterized by having some quick bursts.
Whenever Glenda's manager asked for volunteers to work overtime, she would use sycophancy as a method of securing her job; especially, during the time of high unemployment conditions.

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2. A person who attempts to win favor by overly praising influential people; especially, those who are famous or rich: There are sycophants who will say wonderful things to others who are their superiors so they can promote themselves towards greater success in their careers or desires.
Since a sycophant is defined as someone who wants to win favor or advance himself or herself by flattering people in high positions; such a person is also referred to as: "a bootlicker, a flunky, a fawner, an apple polisher, a backslapper, or a toady."
3. Etymology: from Greek sykophantesand from Latin sycophanta, "servile flattery."

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"There were often many sycophantic women who surrounded the famous movie actor whenever he was scheduled to appear in public."
Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "appear, visible, visual, manifest, show, see, reveal, look": blep-; delo-; demonstra-; opt-; -orama; pare-; phanero-; pheno-; scopo-; spec-; vela-, veal-; video-, visuo-.