(Greek: around, enclosing, surrounding, about, near, close; often used as a prefix)
The protoplasmic matter which surrounds the entoblast, or cell nucleus, and undergoes segmentation.
An inflammation of the lungs, or of some part of the thorax, attended with acute fever and difficult respiration.
A reference to a classical temple or other structure which has a single row of columns on all sides.
Feathered all around or surrounded by feathers.
Around the nose or nasal cavity.
1. The horny or chitinous outer case or covering protecting the soft parts of hydrozoans.
2. The outer, hardened integument which covers most hydroids.
2. The outer, hardened integument which covers most hydroids.
perisarcal, perisarcous
A reference to the horny or chitinous outer case or covering protecting the soft parts of hydrozoans.
1. An optical instrument that provides a view of an otherwise obstructed field.
2. A long tubular optical instrument; for example, on a submarine, that uses lenses, prisms, and mirrors to allow a viewer to see objects not in a direct line of sight.
3. An optical instrument for viewing objects that are above the level of direct sight or in an otherwise obstructed field of vision, consisting essentially of a tube with an arrangement of prisms or mirrors and, usually, lenses; used especially in submarines.
2. A long tubular optical instrument; for example, on a submarine, that uses lenses, prisms, and mirrors to allow a viewer to see objects not in a direct line of sight.
3. An optical instrument for viewing objects that are above the level of direct sight or in an otherwise obstructed field of vision, consisting essentially of a tube with an arrangement of prisms or mirrors and, usually, lenses; used especially in submarines.

A man is looking over a fence at the construction of an apartment building that is beginning in his neighborhood.
1. A reference to certain lenses in special microscopes, cameras, etc.; giving distinct vision obliquely, or all around, as well as, or instead of, in a direct line.
2. Periscopic spectacles, spectacles having concavo-convex or the convexo-concave lenses with a considerable curvature corresponding to that of the eye, to increase the distinctness of objects viewed obliquely.
3. A reference to periscopes or their uses.
2. Periscopic spectacles, spectacles having concavo-convex or the convexo-concave lenses with a considerable curvature corresponding to that of the eye, to increase the distinctness of objects viewed obliquely.
3. A reference to periscopes or their uses.
A reference to certain lenses in special microscopes, cameras, etc. that give distinct vision obliquely, or all around, as well as, or instead of, in a direct line.
Periapsis in orbit around the moon.
A periapsis is the point of an orbit closest to the body being orbited.
1. To die or to be destroyed through violence, privation, etc.; such as, to perish in an earthquake.
2. To pass away or disappear.
3. To suffer destruction or ruin.
4. To suffer spiritual death.
5. "Perish the thought", may it never happen; used facetiously or as an afterthought of foreboding.
2. To pass away or disappear.
3. To suffer destruction or ruin.
4. To suffer spiritual death.
5. "Perish the thought", may it never happen; used facetiously or as an afterthought of foreboding.
Surrounding the outer walls of the body, not the inner organs.
Nutritive tissue from a plant nucleus that surrounds the seed embryo.
Inflammation of the tissues around a vertebra.