(Latin: through, across, over; beyond, by means of)
pervicacious (per vuh KAY shuhs) (adjective), more pervicacious, most pervicacious
1. Self-willed, inflexible, very stubborn, and obstinate; contrary, refractory (difficult to control): When his proposals were challenged by one of his colleagues at work, Bernard's pervicacious reaction came close to being a serious conflict.
2. Etymology: from Latin pervicac, pervicax, "headstrong, stubborn"; from per-, "completely, intensely"; + vic-; stem of vincere, "to conquer" + -ax, "tendency, ability" + -ious, "full of, having the characteristics of".
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2. Etymology: from Latin pervicac, pervicax, "headstrong, stubborn"; from per-, "completely, intensely"; + vic-; stem of vincere, "to conquer" + -ax, "tendency, ability" + -ious, "full of, having the characteristics of".

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pervicaciously (adverb)
pervicaciousness (s) (noun)
Stubbornness and willful obstinacy: Joe's pervicacity in setting up the format for the research project actually resulted in a better content and was more understandable for others to utilize.
pervious (adjective),more pervious, mostpervious
pervulgate (verb), pervulgates; pervulgated; pervulgating
To publish something.
semipermeable (adjective), more semipermeable, most semipermeable
Partially or selectively penetrable: Such materials as membranes are semipermeable in that they allow certain liquids or gases to pass through, but not other substances.