para-, par-, -parous, -partum

(Greek > Latin: to bring forth, to bear; producing viable offspring; giving birth to; brood; secreting)

Reproducing or separating by fission.
fixed pupil (s) (noun), fixed pupils (pl)
A hole in the middle of the iris of the eye, through which light passes to be focused on the retina, which does not react to stimuli: Janet’s sight was limited only to the eye on the left side because of a fixed pupil on the right side which was stationary and unresponsive to light, movement, etc.
1. Producing or bearing flowers.
2. Plants that normally bear fruit, producing secondary flowers instead of fruit.
foliiparous (adjective)
Plants that only produce leaves: "Foliiparous plants have leaf-buds from which leaves, but not flowers, develop."
Producing fruit.
Reproducing by buds or gemmae.
1. Producing fire.
2. Giving "birth" to fire.
3. Experiencing a burning sensation during the birth of a child.
In loco parentis. (Latin legal term)
Translation: "In the place of a parent."

Having the responsibilities or role of a parent, e.g. teachers during the time students are under their charge are in the legal position of a guardian. Anyone who serves in loco parentis may be considered to have responsibilities of guardianship, either formal or informal, over minors.

1. Larvae-bearing; denoting passage of larvae, rather than eggs, from the body of the female, as in certain nematodes and insects.
2. Depositing living larvae, instead of eggs; a reference to certain insects.
A reference to insects that produce eggs that are hatched internally with the release of free-living larvae.