-ous, -ious, -eous
(Latin: full of or having the qualities of; in chemistry, a suffix denoting that the element indicated by the name bearing it, has a valence lower than that denoted by the termination -ic; as, nitrous, sulphurous, etc., as contrasted with nitric, sulphuric, etc.)
Only a small number of the hundreds of examples are presented because there are just too many to include at this time.
1. Relating to the skin.
2. Referring to the skin.
2. Referring to the skin.
dangerous (adjective), more dangerous, most dangerous
1. Relating to a cause or a result of harm or injury: Drinking too much alcohol can be dangerous to one's health.
2. Characteristic of the involvement of something that is perilous, hazardous, or risky and unsafe: Going down the torrent inn a raft was known to be quite dangerous.
2. Characteristic of the involvement of something that is perilous, hazardous, or risky and unsafe: Going down the torrent inn a raft was known to be quite dangerous.
deleterious (adjective), more deleterious, most deleterious
1. Relating to a harmful result on someone or something; injurious: Face it, there is obviously a deleterious effect from smoking.
2. Etymology: from Middle Latin deleterius; from Greek deleterios, "noxious", from deleter, "destroyer", from deleisthai, "to hurt, to injure".

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2. Etymology: from Middle Latin deleterius; from Greek deleterios, "noxious", from deleter, "destroyer", from deleisthai, "to hurt, to injure".

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1. Having an appealing or enjoyable taste or smell; so, delicious food or drink has a very pleasant taste.
2. Highly pleasing or agreeable to the senses; especially, of taste or smell.
2. Highly pleasing or agreeable to the senses; especially, of taste or smell.
1. Marked by uncontrolled excitement or emotion; ecstatic; delirious joy.
2. Irrational as a temporary result of a physical condition; such as, fever, poisoning, or brain injury.
3. Extremely excited or emotional: "She was delirious with joy when she won the "actress of the year" award."
2. Irrational as a temporary result of a physical condition; such as, fever, poisoning, or brain injury.
3. Extremely excited or emotional: "She was delirious with joy when she won the "actress of the year" award."
Seeking or wishing for something very much: "Both parents were desirous of finding a quick solution to the problem of financing their son's college education."
devious (adjective), more devious, most devious
1. Not sincere and honest about one's intentions: The police told the young man to be absolutely truthful and law-abiding and to avoid any devious answers to their questions during the investigation.
2. Referring to something which does not adhere to the proper procedures or standards of behavior: Alice heard that her friend used devious means to get the answers to the test in biology ahead of time.
3. Characteristic of something which is rambling or is roundabout; usually, that which changes directions many times: Because of an accident on the major highway, James had to go home by a devious route.
4. Etymology: from Latin devius, "out of the way"; derived from de, "from" + via, "way".

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2. Referring to something which does not adhere to the proper procedures or standards of behavior: Alice heard that her friend used devious means to get the answers to the test in biology ahead of time.
3. Characteristic of something which is rambling or is roundabout; usually, that which changes directions many times: Because of an accident on the major highway, James had to go home by a devious route.
4. Etymology: from Latin devius, "out of the way"; derived from de, "from" + via, "way".

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dextrous (adjective), more dextrous, most dextrous
disingenuous (adjective), more disingenuous, most disingenuous
1. A reference to not being straightforward or honest and being insincere or calculating: Jack didn’t want to tell a lie, so he decided to give a disingenuous response to his wife’s question about where he had been the night before; so, all he said was that he had been visiting with a friend, although he actually had been to the local pub all evening.
2. Pertaining to giving a false appearance of being explicit and unambiguous: Jane’s boyfriend had evidently put on a disingenuous smile when he said he liked her a lot, but he wasn’t taking her out anymore.
3. Descriptive of pretending to be unaware of something or trying to give the impression of being innocent regarding what has happened: When Sally’s mother asked her if she had broken the cup, she gave a disingenuous answer that she didn’t even know the cup had been broken!

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2. Pertaining to giving a false appearance of being explicit and unambiguous: Jane’s boyfriend had evidently put on a disingenuous smile when he said he liked her a lot, but he wasn’t taking her out anymore.
3. Descriptive of pretending to be unaware of something or trying to give the impression of being innocent regarding what has happened: When Sally’s mother asked her if she had broken the cup, she gave a disingenuous answer that she didn’t even know the cup had been broken!

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disputatious (adjective), more disputatious, most disputatious
1. Inclined or showing an inclination to dispute or disagree, even to engage in law suits.
2. A tendency to argue or disagree without adequate cause.
3. Being fond of, or given to, disputation; argumentative; contentious.
2. A tendency to argue or disagree without adequate cause.
3. Being fond of, or given to, disputation; argumentative; contentious.
dissentious (adjective), more dissentious, most dissentious
A reference to a person who causes discord; regarding a quarrelsome and uncooperative individual: The more dissentious members of the crowd were yelling and becoming more disruptive, so the chairperson of the debate had to call for order and quiet several times.
dubious (DOO bee uhs, DYOO bee uhs) (adjective), more dubious, most dubious
1. Pertaining to uncertainty or causing doubt; unconvincing: The person applying for the job at the employment office presented dubious qualifications.
2. Of questionable character; open to suspicion: The owner of the construction company had dubious feelings when Gerry claimed to have landed the biggest contract in the history of the business.
3. Etymology: from Latin dubiosus, "doubtful", from dubium, "doubt", neuter of dubius, "doubtful"; from duo, "two"; in the sense, "of two minds, undecided between two things". Old English also used tweo, "two"; to mean "doubt".

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2. Of questionable character; open to suspicion: The owner of the construction company had dubious feelings when Gerry claimed to have landed the biggest contract in the history of the business.
3. Etymology: from Latin dubiosus, "doubtful", from dubium, "doubt", neuter of dubius, "doubtful"; from duo, "two"; in the sense, "of two minds, undecided between two things". Old English also used tweo, "two"; to mean "doubt".

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duplicitous (adjective), more duplicitous, most duplicitous
1. Descriptive of being deceitful or pretending to feel one way and actually being the opposite in speech or behavior: "The young man's excessive attention to the elderly woman at the party was recognized by her son as nothing more than a duplicitous way to steal her valuable necklace."
2. A dishonest action that is meant to trick someone or others: "The investigator exposed the financial investor's duplicitous techniques to get people to buy stock in his company."
2. A dishonest action that is meant to trick someone or others: "The investigator exposed the financial investor's duplicitous techniques to get people to buy stock in his company."