-ous, -ious, -eous

(Latin: full of or having the qualities of; in chemistry, a suffix denoting that the element indicated by the name bearing it, has a valence lower than that denoted by the termination -ic; as, nitrous, sulphurous, etc., as contrasted with nitric, sulphuric, etc.)

Only a small number of the hundreds of examples are presented because there are just too many to include at this time.

specious (adjective), more specious, most specious
1. A reference to something that is supposedly right or plausible in appearance; however, it is usually neither correct nor is it the real thing: Tracie made an attempt to give herself a specious argument to justify eating much more ice cream than is normal.

Adam justified his bad behavior with several specious excuses.

2. Etymology: from Latin speciosus, "appearance" and from specere, "to look at."
Something that is supposed to be right, but it isn't.
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Having a spiral structure.
stentorious (adjective), more stentorious, most stentorious
A voice which is deafening, ear piercing, and booming.
subconscious (adjective), more subconscious, most subconscious
1. In psychology, referring to a partially or imperfectly conscious condition; for example, belonging to a class of phenomena resembling those of consciousness but not clearly perceived or recognized.
2. Relating to that portion of the mental area the processes of which are outside the range of attention.
3. A reference to that part of the mind that is not fully conscious but which is still able to influence actions, etc.
supercilious (soo" pur SIL i uhs) (adjective), more supercilious, most supercilious
1. Conveying a feeling that is suggestive of contempt: Hank curled his lip in a supercilious smile when he expressed a better solution to his wife.
2. Descriptive of a person's mannerism which shows arrogant superiority to and disdain of those someone views as unworthy: Mark's mother looked at his clothes with a supercilious attitude.
3. Characteristic of someone's behavior which is disdainful or contemptuous and characterized by pride or scorn: Anyone who arches his or her eyebrows and looks down their nose at someone else is showing "a high brow" or supercilious face.
4. Etymology: from Latin super, "above" + cilium, "eyelid".

When someone raises his or her eyebrows, it doesn't necessarily mean that that person is disdainful, contemptuous, etc. Such action may also express surprise, curiosity, etc.

Conveying being lofty with pride.
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Referring to be very contemptuous and self centered.
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Descriptive of being scornful or haughty.
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superfluous (adjective), more superfluous, most superfluous
1. Descriptive of something which is more than is necessary or required; excessive: After sorting through her wardrobe at home, Sally noticed that she had more than enough pullovers; so, she gave the superfluous ones to the used clothing store downtown.
2. A reference to that which is unnecessary or needless: Linda set the table for ten birthday party guests; however, since two guests couldn’t come, she removed the superfluous dishes and silverware from the table and put them away.
3. Relating to possessing or spending more than what is necessary; extravagant: Andy's wife loved to buy new shoes quite often; as a result, she had a superfluous collection with many more than she could ever wear.
Beyond what is desirable or needed.
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Pertaining to something that is more than is useful and which is not acceptable.
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superstitious (adjective); more superstitious, most superstitious
1. Referring to individuals who believe in things which are not true or factual: The fear Jane felt creeping up her back originated from the superstitious opinion of her parents that black cats crossing from the left to the right would bring bad luck!

People are likely to fear what is unknown, such as the man who said he wasn't superstitious because he was afraid it might bring him bad luck!
2. Pertaining to or connected with unfounded beliefs: Ivy loved reading superstitious legends because they took her into a fantasy world full of myths and old wives' tales.

surreptitious (adjective), more surreptitious, most surreptitious
1. Referring to something that is accomplished or done by stealth or in a cautious way without anyone being aware of what is going on: Jacob made a surreptitious or a covert glance at a young woman.
2. Relating to an action that is done in a sneaky procedure in order to avoid notice: The cat approached the mouse in a surreptitious way so it could get close enough to catch the rodent.
3. Etymology: in about 1443, from Latin surrepticius, "stolen, furtive, secret, clandestine"; from surreptus, past participle of surripere, "to seize, to take away secretly, to steal".

The word is made up of two parts: sub, "from under" (secretly) + rapere, "to snatch, to seize".

Sneaking around.
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Done by stealth.
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Sneaking a peek.
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1. Arousing or apt to arouse suspicion; questionable.
2. Tending to suspect; distrustful.
3. Exhibiting suspicion; such as, a suspicious glance.
tedious (TEE dee uhs) (adjective), more tedious, most tedious
1. A reference to something which causes weariness because it is boring and too slow or too long: The actor made a tedious 60 minute speech.

As a mother of three, Jackie often has tedious work to do in her house, but it needs to be done.

The long tedious talk that the commentator made did not help his TV viewers have any interest in what he was talking about.

2. Conveying a dull, monotonous, unexciting, or unimaginative situation or activity: The tedious stage drama put the audience to sleep.

Being tedious refers to a boring person who continues to talk long after his brain has ceased working.

—Evan Esar
Noise is a real problem.
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temeritous (adjective), more temeritous, most temeritous
Concerning a person who is full of temerity; rash; audacious: Only one of the students in Jim's class was temeritous enough to stand up to the very strict and sever teacher.
tempestuous (adjective), more tempestuous, most tempestuous
1. A reference to something being affected by violent storms: Last night, Lewis and Mary experienced the most tempestuous thunder and rain downpour that they have ever experienced before!
2. Relating to an emotionally turbulent and strong response: Sometimes Floyd and his colleague had tempestuous arguments about how to complete certain objectives that they were striving to achieve.
Conveying a violent reaction.
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tenacious (adjective), more tenacious, most tenacious
1. A reference to something which is not easily pulled apart: The glue gave the broken pieces of the vase tenacious connections so it was almost as good as it was before it fell on the floor.
2. Relating to someone who is persistent and fully focused on achieving his or her objective: Ken was making a tenacious effort to complete his assignments as a reporter despite the dangers he was experiencing in the battle zone.
3. Relating to a machine or a person that is resolute and persistent in achieving a desired result as time and resources permit: The compiler of the contents of the special dictionary is a tenacious worker who is determined to provide much better contents for users who want to improve their vocabulary skills.

Computers are tenacious devices that are capable of retaining large amounts of information and of presenting it whenever a user wants to use it.

4. Physical conditions which cannot be remedied or made better: There are some tenacious ailments that doctors are unable to cure and which last for months or even years and come to an end only when a patient dies.
Tending to hold firmly and strongly; unyielding.
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terminus (s) (noun); termini, terminuses (pl)
The end or location of the final destination of a journey: The passenger vehicle pulled into the bus terminus several hours late because of severe weather conditions on the road.