-ous, -ious, -eous
(Latin: full of or having the qualities of; in chemistry, a suffix denoting that the element indicated by the name bearing it, has a valence lower than that denoted by the termination -ic; as, nitrous, sulphurous, etc., as contrasted with nitric, sulphuric, etc.)
Only a small number of the hundreds of examples are presented because there are just too many to include at this time.
iniquitous (adjective), more iniquitous, most iniquitous
1. A reference to a person being immoral; especially, in a way that results in great injustice or unfairness: The academy prohibited any kind of iniquitous or bad behavior and practices, including those of cheating.
2. Characterized by wickedness and sinfulness: The religious school that Jane went to didn't allow the girls to wear short skirts or use lipstick because such practices were considered to be wicked and evil!

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2. Characterized by wickedness and sinfulness: The religious school that Jane went to didn't allow the girls to wear short skirts or use lipstick because such practices were considered to be wicked and evil!

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injurious (adjective), more injurious, most injurious
innocuous (adjective), more innocuous, most innocuous
1. A reference to having no adverse effect; harmless: Where Manfred lives, it has been an innocuous summer with mild temperatures and occasionally some rain which usually fell at night when most people were asleep.
2. Not intended to cause offense nor to provoke a strong reaction and unlikely to do so: Because little Joey was only four years old, his mother’s oldest friend was not displeased or annoyed when he asked her an innocuous question about her age.
3. A reference to probably not being irritating nor to offend; inoffensive: Jane and Janice exchanged innocuous conversations about their husbands during lunch.
4. Descriptive of being uninteresting and not stimulating nor significant; pallid; insipid: Mike and his wife said they just saw an innocuous movie that bored them very much.

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2. Not intended to cause offense nor to provoke a strong reaction and unlikely to do so: Because little Joey was only four years old, his mother’s oldest friend was not displeased or annoyed when he asked her an innocuous question about her age.
3. A reference to probably not being irritating nor to offend; inoffensive: Jane and Janice exchanged innocuous conversations about their husbands during lunch.
4. Descriptive of being uninteresting and not stimulating nor significant; pallid; insipid: Mike and his wife said they just saw an innocuous movie that bored them very much.

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1. Free from mischievous qualities; innocent; harmless; as an innoxious drug.
2. Not producing evil; harmless in effects; not injurious.
3. Free from crime; pure; innocent.
2. Not producing evil; harmless in effects; not injurious.
3. Free from crime; pure; innocent.
insidious (adjective), more insidious, most insidious
1. Relating to an intension to entrap, to beguile, or to allure someone into a treacherous situation: Henry's cousin has an insidious plan to steal a woman's purse after she leaves the bank.
2. Stealthily treacherous or deceitful: The military commander told his staff that they were fighting an insidious enemy.
3. A reference to something that proceeds in an inconspicuous, subtle, stealthy, or seemingly harmless way, but which actually has a serious negative effect: Jim had an insidious disease which existed for some time, but even his physician was not aware of what was causing it.

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2. Stealthily treacherous or deceitful: The military commander told his staff that they were fighting an insidious enemy.
3. A reference to something that proceeds in an inconspicuous, subtle, stealthy, or seemingly harmless way, but which actually has a serious negative effect: Jim had an insidious disease which existed for some time, but even his physician was not aware of what was causing it.
Sometimes people have an insidious ailment, but they have no idea that they are infected.
4. Etymology: From Latin insidiosus, "deceitful", from insidae (plural) "plot, snare, ambush", from insidere, "to sit on, to occupy" from in-, "in" + sedere "to sit".

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intravenous (adjective)
1. Within or administered by means of a vein; such as, an injection.
2. Existing within or entering through a vein or veins.
2. Existing within or entering through a vein or veins.
Intravenous comes from intra-, "within" or "via", and venous, "of the veins". Often in hospitals patients will be given water or nutrients from intravenous drips from plastic bags of liquid connected to a tube going into a person's arm.
It's a way to get needed nutrition and fluid into a person's body without waiting for the digestive system to process it.
invidious (adjective), more invidious, most invidious
1. Pertaining to something that makes, or implies, an unfair distinction; conveying insulting feelings: In the art class, comparing Jane's work to Mark's resulted in invidious feelings between them.
2. Unpleasant because producing, or likely to produce, jealousy, resentment, or hatred in other people: Henry made invidious remarks about Sam's efforts to reform the system of payments for the company's project because he was quite envious of Sam and said that the reform was not feasible and it was a waste of time and effort.
3. Etymology: from Latin invidiosus, "envious"; from invidia, "ill will"; which came from in-, "upon" + videre, "to see".

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2. Unpleasant because producing, or likely to produce, jealousy, resentment, or hatred in other people: Henry made invidious remarks about Sam's efforts to reform the system of payments for the company's project because he was quite envious of Sam and said that the reform was not feasible and it was a waste of time and effort.
3. Etymology: from Latin invidiosus, "envious"; from invidia, "ill will"; which came from in-, "upon" + videre, "to see".

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judicious (adjective), more judicious, most judicious
1. Characterized or marked by the exercise of common sense when making decisions: The organization's judicious planning made it easier to succeed with its objectives.
2. Conveying or showing wisdom, good sense, or discretion, so trouble or waste can be avoided: Jim and Jane were hoping that, when their son goes to college, he will make judicious decisions regarding his future, instead of disregarding the purposes of his education.

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2. Conveying or showing wisdom, good sense, or discretion, so trouble or waste can be avoided: Jim and Jane were hoping that, when their son goes to college, he will make judicious decisions regarding his future, instead of disregarding the purposes of his education.
Herbert was judicious in selecting furniture and arranging his apartment so it could serve both as his residence and as his business office.

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laborious (adjective), more laborious, most laborious
1. Characterized by a toilsome endeavor to the point of exhaustion; especially, physical effort: Jane and Jim had to spend a great deal of laborious effort remodeling their new apartment.
2. A reference to requiring long, hard work: William spent many laborious hours on the construction project and it is still not completed.

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2. A reference to requiring long, hard work: William spent many laborious hours on the construction project and it is still not completed.

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Having latitude, scope, range, breadth, etc.; especially, of ideas, interests, interpretations, or the like.
1. Relating to or consisting of legumes.
2. Belonging to or typical of the family of plants that has pods as fruits and roots that bear nodules containing nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
2. Belonging to or typical of the family of plants that has pods as fruits and roots that bear nodules containing nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
libelous, libelously
1. Statements that are harmful and often untrue.
2. Tending to discredit or to malign.
3. Containing, constituting, or involving a libel; maliciously defamatory.
2. Tending to discredit or to malign.
3. Containing, constituting, or involving a libel; maliciously defamatory.
licentious (adjective), more licentious, most licentious
1. Pursuing desires aggressively and selfishly without being restricted by moral considerations: The comic hero in the operetta was a licentious character who always was condemned for his immoral behaviors.
2. Abandoned or unrestrained bad behavior that disregards generally acceptable norms of conduct: In the romantic novel of the 18th century, the licentious son of the landowner returned home feeling guilty and begging for the forgiveness of his father for his immoral actions.
2. Abandoned or unrestrained bad behavior that disregards generally acceptable norms of conduct: In the romantic novel of the 18th century, the licentious son of the landowner returned home feeling guilty and begging for the forgiveness of his father for his immoral actions.
lignicolous (adjective), more lignicolous, most lignicolous
Characteristic of something growing on or in wood.