-ous, -ious, -eous

(Latin: full of or having the qualities of; in chemistry, a suffix denoting that the element indicated by the name bearing it, has a valence lower than that denoted by the termination -ic; as, nitrous, sulphurous, etc., as contrasted with nitric, sulphuric, etc.)

Only a small number of the hundreds of examples are presented because there are just too many to include at this time.

Of the nature of, or resembling, idolatry; given to idolatry.
igneous (adjective), more igneous, most igneous
1. Descriptive of fire, fiery; typical of fire; relating to or characteristic of fire.
2. In geology, a reference to being formed by solidification from a molten or partially molten state: Granite and basalt are igneous rocks.
illustrious (adjective), more illustrious, most illustrious
1. Relating to being extremely celebrated, well-known or eminent because of past achievements; prestigious and deservedly famous: Helen had a very illustrious career on stage as an actress before going to Hollywood to star in several films.
2. A reference to possessing glory or recognition by reason of a high birth or a rank or because of some distinguished action or qualities: The illustrious crowd went to the opening day at the Ascot Races where the women were wearing fancy hats.
A characteristic skill.
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Conveying an unusual talent.
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imperious (adjective), more imperious, most imperious
Descriptive of showing or indicating arrogant superiority and disdain behavior for another person which he or she could consider insulting or contemptuous: Shareen gave Norbert a witheringly imperious look and walked away with her nose in the air.

Mary didn't agree with what her supervisor said about the project that she was working on, but his imperious tone ruled out the possibility of any discussion; at least for the present time.

Overbearing and arrogant.
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Domineering and lordly.
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Commanding and requiring obedience.
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impervious (adjective), more impervious, most impervious
1. Pertaining to something which does not allow passage or entrance; impenetrable: Jerry wore his new jacket which was supposed to be impervious to wind, rain, or snow and to keep him dry and warm.
2. Referring to something which or someone who is not capable of being disturbed, damaged, or harmed: Doug was so sure of himself that no one was able to mention the flaws in his undertaking and he seemed to be impervious to any criticism from anyone.
3. Etymology: from Latin impervius, "that which cannot be passed through"; from in-, "not, opposite of" + pervius, "letting things through"; from per, "through" + via, "road, way".
Not allowing criticism to bother a person.
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Not letting ideas enter a person's thoughts.
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Not letting threats enter one's mind.
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impetuous (adjective), more impetuous, most impetuous
1. Characterized by acting or doing something quickly and without thought: Mark is an impetuous guy who buys things without realizing what the long term costs will be.
2. A reference to violent force and being reckless, too hasty, and ill-considered: An impetuous person is often someone who has a kind of personality that takes action which may be attractive but impractical and overly impulsive.

Charlie was an impetuous person who seemed to have a tendency to do things quickly without thinking about what the consequences might be.

Hasty decisions.
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Impulsive buying.
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inauspicious (adjective), more inauspicious, most inauspicious
Suggesting that the future is not very promising or that success is unlikely; contrary to one's interests or welfare; not favorable; boding ill; ill-omened; not auspicious: The party the children were preparing seemed to be inauspicious and not conducive to success because it started to rain heavily during the afternoon. ;.
An indication of an inauspicious flight of birds.
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The augur is now reversing his previous auspicious interpretation of the birds in flight so that the situation is now inauspicious.

Bird Poops On President Bush During Rose Garden Press Conference

Was this an Example of an Inauspicious Moment?

An outdoor news conference in perfect spring weather, with birds chirping loudly in the magnolia trees, is not without its hazards.

As President Bush took a question Thursday (May 24, 2007) in the White House Rose Garden about scandals involving his Attorney General, he remarked, "I've got confidence in Al Gonzales doin' the job."

Simultaneously, a sparrow flew overhead and left a splash on the President's left sleeve, which Bush tried several times to wipe off.

Deputy White House Press Secretary promptly put the incident through the proper spin cycle, telling ABC News, "It was his lucky day... everyone knows that's a sign of good luck."

—Ann Compton, ABC News, May 24, 2007 at 03:15 PM

Obviously, the Press Secretary did not recognize the inauspiciousness of the moment!

Statements from blog writers

Since when is it good luck to have a bird fly over and take a crap on you? These people will lie about anything. Watching Bozo trying to wipe it off with his bare hand made me sick! Yuck!

I guess they'll have to set up a "bird-free zone" in the future to protect the President from signs and portents in such form.

Do we remember the space shuttle that disintegrated over Texas before the Iraqi war started? Believe in signs anyone?

incongruous (adjective), more incongruous, most incongruous
A reference to that which is unsuitable, odd, strange, or out of place in a particular setting or context: When Sam was invited to the 50th wedding anniversary of his relatives, he wore his gardening clothes which certainly were incongruous and inappropriate for the occasion!
Conveying an odd or inappropriate situation.
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incredulous (in KREJ uh luhs) (adjective), more incredulous, most incredulous
1. A reference to the reaction of a person when something is difficult to be believed; skeptical: Sharon had an incredulous response when she saw how expensive the dress would be.
2. Characteristic of someone's indication of being unable or unwilling to believe something or not being completely convinced: Mark had an incredulous look on his face as his little boy was trying to explain how he broke the window at the back of his house.
3. Etymology: from Latin incredulus, "unbelieving"; from in, "not" + credulus, "easy of belief"
Skeptical and indicating a lack of belief.
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incurious (adjective), more incurious, most incurious
infamous (adjective), more infamous, most infamous
So bad as to earn someone an extremely unacceptable reputation: "Benedict arnold, an American Revolutionary general, was guilty of the infamous crime of treason."
1. Shameful; disgraceful: "The team had an inglorious defeat."
2. Not famous, obscure, or not honored.
3. Without recognition, and so unknown or obscure; ignominious.
1. Lacking harmony or sounding unpleasant.
2. Characterized by disagreement and conflict.
3. Not matching in color or style.