oto-, ot-, -otic +

(Greek: ear; relationship to the ear)

A condition in which there is a deficient sensitivity of the auditory apparatus.
A reference to those portions of the nervous system relating to the ears.
That part of otology dealing especially with portions of the nervous system related to the ear.
otopathy (s) (noun), otopathies (pl)
Any ailment of the ears: Jane went to see the otorhinolaryngologist because she thought she had an ear infection which Dr, Schneider diagnosed as being otopathy, a diseased condition.
otopharyngeal (adjective) (not comparable)
Pertaining to the middle ear and the pharynx: Bob had a terrible earache and went to see his otorhinolaryngologist who diagnosed it as being an otopharyngeal infection which, he said, could be treated successfully.
An ear-trumpet, an apparatus for providing sound to the deaf.
1. Plastic surgery to reshape the outer ear.
2. Plastic surgery of the external ear.
Irrigation of an ear or ears.
A polyp (mass of tissue) in the external auditory canal, usually arising from the middle ear.
Otorrhea (discharge from the ear) that is purulent (composed of pus).
Suppuration (formation or discharge of pus) within the ear.
A specialist in diseases of the ear, nose, and throat.
The branch of medicine concerned with diseases of the ear, nose, and throat. Otorhinolaryngology is the type of medical specialty that can frustrate a non-medical person, both in trying to pronounce the word properly and with having any idea of what it means.

The words ear, nose, and throat are quite clear; however, and that is what is meant by oto–, rhino–, and laryngo–, which are the translations of “ear”, “nose”, and “larynx" or "upper part of the windpipe”; respectively, when used in combination in various word forms.

The branch of medicine that deals with the nose and ears and their diseases.
Bleeding from the external auditory canal of the ear.

Related "ear" word families: auri-; myring-; tympano- (drum, stretched membrane).