-osis, -sis, -sia, -sy, -se
(Greek > Latin: a suffix; actor, process, condition, or state of; result of; expresses a state or abnormal condition or process of some disease)
The capacity of cells to absorb and retain electronegative colloids, as shown by macrophages and at the apical surface of proximal convoluted tubule cells of the kidney.
1. The inability to discern the origin of a sensation.
2. Absence or loss of topognosia; inability to locate correctly a point of touch.
3. Sensory inattention; inability to locate a sensation properly.
2. Absence or loss of topognosia; inability to locate correctly a point of touch.
3. Sensory inattention; inability to locate a sensation properly.
Usually caused by a contralateral parietal lobe lesion.
A condition in which a person is incapable of knowing where he or she is being touched: Dr. Gibson asked Diana to close her eyes and tell him where he touched her, but she couldn't sense that he touched her on the top of her hands, her neck, or on her shoulder; which convinced him that she had a medical condition known as atopognosis.
Absence of hair, congenital or acquired.
atrophic cirrhosis
Cirrhosis in which the liver is decreased in size.
The sense by which sounds are understood (known) and interpreted: By the way of auditognosis, Mary could comprehend and conceive the meanings of the German words she was learning in class.
autodiagnosis, autodiagnostic
A diagnosis of one's own disease.
1. Recognition of one's own character, tendencies, and peculiarities; self-knowing.
2. Knowledge of self; especially, the appreciation of one's own emotional conflicts.
2. Knowledge of self; especially, the appreciation of one's own emotional conflicts.
1. Recognition of one's own character, tendencies, and peculiarities.
2. Knowledge of or about oneself.
3. Self-knowledge, in particular that which is gained through psychoanalytic interpretation.
2. Knowledge of or about oneself.
3. Self-knowledge, in particular that which is gained through psychoanalytic interpretation.
Self-discipline is when your conscience tells you to do something and you don't talk back.
1. The act or process of hypnotizing oneself.
2. A self-induced hypnotic state, often employed as a way to enhance the suggestions given the subject by the therapist; self-hypnosis and idiohypnotism.
3. The intelligent use of self-hypnosis offers much to the individual in whom increased efficiency in concentration, relaxation, self-control, and learning capacity is important. —Duncan A. Holbert, M.D.
2. A self-induced hypnotic state, often employed as a way to enhance the suggestions given the subject by the therapist; self-hypnosis and idiohypnotism.
3. The intelligent use of self-hypnosis offers much to the individual in whom increased efficiency in concentration, relaxation, self-control, and learning capacity is important. —Duncan A. Holbert, M.D.
The segregation and degradation of damaged or unwanted cytoplasmic constituents by autophagic vacuoles (cytolysosomes) composed of lysosomes containing cellular components in the process of digestion; it plays an important role in metamorphosis of amphibians, in the removal of bone by osteoclasts, and in the degradation of normal cell components in nutritional deficiency states.
A severe mental disorder with prominent delusions concerning oneself.
1. The sensation that an amputated portion of the body is still present.
2. A patient's lack of awareness of a bodily defect, as in the phantom limb of an amputee.
2. A patient's lack of awareness of a bodily defect, as in the phantom limb of an amputee.
autotoxicosis, autotoxemia, autotoxis
The same thing as autointoxication or poisoning by harmful substances generated within the body itself.
Air sickness caused by flying in an aircraft, a balloon, etc.