-osis, -sis, -sia, -sy, -se

(Greek > Latin: a suffix; actor, process, condition, or state of; result of; expresses a state or abnormal condition or process of some disease)

cardiac cirrhosis
Congestive cirrhosis resulting from passive congestion of the liver due to congestive heart failure.
Fatty degeneration of the myocardium which is the middle layer of the heart wall or heart muscle.
cardionecrosis (s), cardionecroses (pl) (nouns)
Death of the myocardium.
The downward displacement of the heart.
cryobiosis (s) (noun) (no pl)
In physiology, the continuance of bodily functions at low temperatures: Cryobiosis sets in when the fluid encompassing the cells of an organism has been frozen.
1. The condition in which all external signs of metabolic activity are absent from a dormant organism.
2. Latent life; the state of an organism showing no visible signs of life.
3. The condition of an organism that must in theory have at one time existed, but that has left no fossil traces.
4. A state in which the signs of life of an organism have weakened to the point where they are barely measurable or no longer measurable.
1. A fungal infection characterized by nodular lesions, first in the lungs and then spreading to the nervous system.
2. An acute, subacute, or chronic infection by the fungal organism, Cryptococcus neoformans.

Infection generally causes a pulmonary (lung) infection but it may also spread to the meninges.

The pulmonary form is generally mild and transient (often unrecognized).

With dissemination, lesions may occur in the skeletal, cutaneus, and visceral tissues. The most commonly recognized dissemination is to the central nervous system (meningitis).

An infectious condition of human and domestic animals, characterized by fever, diarrhea, and stomach cramps. It is spread by a protozoan of the genus Cryptosporidium.
A dermatitis caused by the bites of Culex mosquitoes. The dermatitis is not transmitted by a bite but is a direct consequence of the inflammatory changes induced by many bites.
The excretion of sweat with a blue tint.
Blue sweat.
1. A bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes.

A sign that oxygen in the blood is dangerously diminished (as in carbon monoxide poisoning).

2. A condition in which the skin and mucous membranes take on a bluish color because there is not enough oxygen in the blood.
cyrtosis; kyphosis
1. Any abnormal curvature of the spine or of the extremities (arms, hands, legs, feet, etc.).
2. A bony deformity.
3. A viral disease of the cotton plant, characterized by stunted and distorted growth.
cystic fibrosis, CF; mucoviscidosis; fibrocystic disease of the pancreas
One of the most common hazardous genetic (inherited) diseases, cystic fibrosis affects the exocrine glands and is characterized by the production of abnormal secretions, leading to abnormally viscous mucus build-up.

This accumulation of mucus can impair the pancreas and, secondarily, the intestine. Mucous build-up in lungs tends progressively to impair respiration.

Without treatment, CF results in death for 95% of affected children before the age of five.

A condition of alternating between crying and laughing.