anthrop-, anthropo-, -anthrope, -anthropic, -anthropical, -anthropically, -anthropism, -anthropist, -anthropoid, -anthropus, -anthropy

(Greek: man, mankind; human beings; including, males (man, men; boy, boys) and females (woman, women; girl, girls); all members of the human race; people, humanity)

1. A hominid ancestor of modern man, considered an intermediate stage between apes and humans.
2. A conjectural animal forming a "missing link" between man and apes.
anthropopsychic (adjective), more anthropopsychic, most anthropopsychic
1. Pertaining to a human-like soul or spiritualism to nature: There are those who believe that there is some kind of anthropopsychic aspect in nature."
2. A reference to a doctrine that God has human characteristics in the vaguely magnified sense of being personal and spiritual; but not necessarily in the sense of having a human body.
anthropopsychism (s) (noun), anthropopsychisms (pl)
The ascription or attribution of mental faculties or characteristics like those of man to the Divine Being or the agencies at work in nature; that is, spiritual as contrasted with physical.

A reference to the mind and spirit of man, including his reason, his intelligence, and his will. Anthropopsychism is believed to be more appropriate when referring to the mental characteristics described above rather than the term anthropomorphism.

Anthropos, anthropos (s) (noun) (no plural)
1. The primal man; in the Gnostic system, one of the pre-existent aeons, which form the pleroma; in Manichaeism, son of the mother of Light.
2. When not capitalized, anthropos means man; human being.
anthroposcopy (s) (noun), anthroposcopies (pl)
1. The judgment of the human body form by visual inspection.
2. The inspection of the physical features of a person with the purpose of judging his or her mental and moral characteristics.
3. The determination of characteristics or personality from the human body shape and facial features; a technique used in earlier studies but now discredited.
anthroposociologist (s) (noun), anthroposociologists (pl)
Someone who researches the effects that the environments have on people and how they respond to to them.
anthroposociology (s) (noun), anthroposociologies (pl)
The study of the reciprocal action of the human race and the environment: Anthroposociology involves the sociological study of the physical characteristics of people including social groups and the classifications of human races.
anthroposomancy (s) (noun) (no pl)
Divination or fortune telling by observing the facial features of a person: Vera was very concerned about her future and decided to have a diviner interpret her facial expressions by using the method of anthroposomancy.
anthroposomatoloy (s) (noun), anthroposomatoloies (pl)
Human somatology or the scientific study of the structure of the human body.
anthroposophical (adjective), more anthroposophical, most anthroposophical
A reference to the conception of or the understanding of mankind; human wisdom.
anthroposophist (s) (noun), anthroposophists (pl)
Someone who is constantly working to have a better comprehension of the moods and spirits of humans.
anthroposophy (s) (noun), anthroposophies (pl)
A sophisticated enlightenment regarding humanistic ways of living: Thomas, a psychology student, was studying anthroposophy because he wanted to understand more about human nature.
anthroposphere (s) (noun), anthropospheres (pl)
The part of the surface and the surrounding biosphere of the earth which has been affected by such human activities as agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, urbanization, and industrialization: The agricultural college had a list of courses dealing with anthroposphere studying the impact of human activities on the earth and the surrounding air.
anthropotheism (s) (noun), anthropotheisms (pl)
The belief that the gods originated from human beings and are essentially human in nature or are only deified humans.
anthropotomical (adjective), more anthropotomical, most anthropotomical
A reference to human anatomy or the dissection of human bodies.

Links to other units that include the topic of "man", "mankind":
andro-; homo-; vir-.

Related "people, human" word units: demo-; ethno-; ochlo-; popu-; publi-.