(s) (noun), anthropometries
1. The use of various techniques for taking measurements of the human body, employed in the study of human growth and variations: The use of anthropometry involves the measuring of the human body as to height, weight, and size of component parts, including skinfold thickness in order to study and to compare their relative proportions under normal and abnormal conditions.
2. The scientific study of human anatomical and physiological measurements for the purpose of analysis, comparison, and classification.
(s) (noun), anthropomorphs
1. A representation of the human form in art.
2. A design element that portrays a person or his or her figure: Some anthropomorphs are found on ancient pottery.
(adjective), more anthropomorphic, most
1. A reference to the explanation of a Deity as having a human form and character.
2. A descriptive application to non-human objects in human form: Rock art that depicts a god as being an anthropomorphic deity is considered as such because of having a human shape.
4. Characterized by animals as possessing human qualities.
5. Suggesting human characteristics for animals or inanimate things: Any creature or material thing that can be seen and touched which is like a human is considered to be an anthropomorphic being or object.
(adjective), more anthropomorphical, most anthropomorphical
1. Referring to the attribution of a human personality to anything impersonal or irrational.
3. The characterization of non-human objects in human form or animals as possessing human qualities.
(adverb), more anthropomorphically, most anthropomorphically
Relating to having a human form and characteristics..
(s) (noun), anthropomorphisms
The portrayal or conception of a human form or a person's characteristics in a deity, an animal, or on an inanimate object: In religion and mythology,
anthropomorphism refers to the symbolism of a human body or of human qualities generally to a divine being or beings.
In other words, anthropomorphism is meant to be a presentation of human characteristics to things that are not human; such as, inanimate objects, animals, or other natural phenomena.
Many mythologies are almost entirely concerned with anthropomorphisms about deities who express human characteristics; such as, jealousy, hatred, or love.
The Greek gods included anthropomorphisms; for example, Zeus and Apollo were often depicted in human form exhibiting both commendable and despicable human traits.
Anthropomorphism is a form of personification applying human or animal qualities to inanimate objects and similarly to adopting the persona of another person with human characteristics and qualities to nonhuman beings, objects, or natural phenomena.
What a strange monster is man; a curiosity, a prodigy, a chaos, a contradiction, judge of all things and a wretched earthworm, repository of truth and sewer of doubt and error, glory and dross of the universe.
—Blaise Pascal
(s) (noun), anthropomorphists
1. Someone who regards the human form or other human attributes to a deity or to anything not human.
2. A person who attributes a human personality to God, to abstract ideas, to other animals, etc.
(s) (noun), anthropomorphites
Someone who maintains that there is a human form or human attributes to God or to a polytheistic deity; specifically, someone of a sect of ancient heretics who believed that God had a human form, characteristics, etc.
(adjective), more anthropomorphitic, most anthropomorphitic
A reference to the attribution of uniquely human characteristics to non-human creatures and beings, natural and supernatural phenomena, material situations and objects, or abstract concepts: Some subjects often include
anthropmorphitic animals and plants depicted as creatures with human motivations which are able to reason and converse, and forces of nature; such as, winds or the sun, components in games, etc.
(s) (noun), anthropomorphitisms
1. The representation of the Deity, or of a polytheistic deity, under a human form, or with human attributes and affections.
2. The ascription of human characteristics to things not human.
3. A reference to the designation of human forms, or characteristics, to nonhuman things such as gods or animals.
(verb), anthropomorphizes; anthropomorphized; anthropomorphizing
To ascribe human characteristics to things not human.
To attribute a human form or personality; such as, to give a nonhuman thing a human form, human characteristics, or human behavior
(adjective), more anthropomorphoid, most anthropomorphoid
1. Suggesting or referring to human form and appearance to non-human things.
2. Indicating human motivation, characteristics, or behavior to things not human; such as, inanimate objects, robots, animals, or natural phenomena.
The relation between the
Anthropomorphoid Apes and Mankind.
—Discussed by Robert Hartmann; "Die mensch-ahnlichen Affen", Internat Wissenschaft Bibliothek; Leipzig, Germany; 1883.
(adjective), more anthropomorphoidal, most anthropomorphoidal
1. A reference to similarities with the human form and appearance.
2. Relating to, or ascribing, human characteristics or behavior to things not human; such as, robots, animals, or natural phenomena.
(s) (noun), anthropomorphologies
The application, or attribution of human characteristics, to God, or to a god: Anthropomorphology is properly applied to any religious statement, with either literal or symbolic intent, which depicts a deity as existing either wholly or partially in bodily form resembling that of a man, or as possessing qualities of thought, will, or feelings that are like those experienced by humans; such as, the "hand of God" and "the wrath of God".
(s) (noun), anthropomorphoses
Transformation into human form.
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