-or; -our (primarily British)
(Latin: a suffix; state of, result of; he who, that which)
A suffix that forms nouns. British spelling is usually -our.
1. Extremely violent outbursts of anger, violent anger; frenzy; often without provocation: There was an angry furor with some people in the crowd when the general was speaking about military victories.
2. A condition, or state, of intense excitement or activity: There was a furor surrounding the release of the latest Beetle album.
3. A general commotion; public disorder or uproar: The furor on the university campus appeared to be related to the increase of tuition fees.
4. A condition or state of violent anger; rage: When teased, the injured lion went into a furor and attempted to escape.
5. A state of intense excitement or ecstasy: As Irene watched the romantic movie, her heart felt as if it were in a state of furor because it was beating so fast.
6. An angry or indignant public reaction to something: The jury verdict of not guilty created a furor in the courtroom.
7. A phase of illness in which someone behaves in an extremely active or excited way: The doctor was treating the patient for the furor brought on by her manic depressive condition.

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2. A condition, or state, of intense excitement or activity: There was a furor surrounding the release of the latest Beetle album.
3. A general commotion; public disorder or uproar: The furor on the university campus appeared to be related to the increase of tuition fees.
4. A condition or state of violent anger; rage: When teased, the injured lion went into a furor and attempted to escape.
5. A state of intense excitement or ecstasy: As Irene watched the romantic movie, her heart felt as if it were in a state of furor because it was beating so fast.
6. An angry or indignant public reaction to something: The jury verdict of not guilty created a furor in the courtroom.
7. A phase of illness in which someone behaves in an extremely active or excited way: The doctor was treating the patient for the furor brought on by her manic depressive condition.

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Any animal which slumbers through the winter: Cold-blooded hibernators, and even warm-blooded hibernators, can survive even with a significant reduction of their body temperatures.
A container, often a box or jar, in which tobacco products; especially, cigars, can be stored to prevent them from drying out.
humor, humour (British)
1. A comic, absurd, or incongruous quality causing amusement.
2. That which is intended to induce laughter or amusement: a writer skilled at crafting humor.
3. The ability to perceive, enjoy, or express what is amusing, comical, incongruous, or absurd.
4. Etymology: from 1340, "fluid" or "juice of an animal or plant", from Anglo-Norman humour, from Old French humor, from Latin umor, "body fluid"; related to umere, "be wet, moist", and to uvescere, "become wet".
2. That which is intended to induce laughter or amusement: a writer skilled at crafting humor.
3. The ability to perceive, enjoy, or express what is amusing, comical, incongruous, or absurd.
4. Etymology: from 1340, "fluid" or "juice of an animal or plant", from Anglo-Norman humour, from Old French humor, from Latin umor, "body fluid"; related to umere, "be wet, moist", and to uvescere, "become wet".
In ancient and medieval physiology, "any of the four body fluids" (blood, phlegm, choler, and melancholy or black bile) whose relative proportions were thought to determine the state of people's minds.
This led to a sense of "mood" or "temporary state of mind"; the sense of "amusing quality, funny" is first recorded in 1682, probably by way of the sense of "whim, caprice", which also produced the verb sense of "indulge".
The originator or creator of an image or images: "An iconogenitor is considered to be an artist who provides icons for religious applications."
An iconophor is an image whose first distinctive feature consists of the letter which begins the name of its referent.
1. A tooth for cutting or gnawing; located in the front of the mouth in both jaws.
2. One of the flat sharp-edged teeth in the front of the mouth, used for cutting and tearing food.
3. In mammals, one of the four sharp teeth located between the canines in each jaw at the front of the mouth.
4. Etymology: from Modern Latin incisor, literally, "that which cuts into," from Latin incisus, past participle of incidere.
2. One of the flat sharp-edged teeth in the front of the mouth, used for cutting and tearing food.
3. In mammals, one of the four sharp teeth located between the canines in each jaw at the front of the mouth.
4. Etymology: from Modern Latin incisor, literally, "that which cuts into," from Latin incisus, past participle of incidere.
1. Someone who helps to open up a new line of research or technology or art.
2. Anyone who introduces changes and new ideas.
3. A person who begins or introduces anything new, or as if for, the first time.
2. Anyone who introduces changes and new ideas.
3. A person who begins or introduces anything new, or as if for, the first time.
Someone who makes hints about something that is going on but who is not detailed.
1. Someone who looks carefully at something in order to learn more about it or to find problems, etc.: "Dave was a building inspector who was responsible to see if the structures were safe for those who live or work in them."
2. A police officer who is charge of several departments: "Spencer was an inspector who was supervising other police who were examining the scene of a major bank robbery."
2. A police officer who is charge of several departments: "Spencer was an inspector who was supervising other police who were examining the scene of a major bank robbery."
1. A heating device used for thickening or for congealing a liquid or a fluid via evaaporation.
2. An apparatus or instrument used for evaporating various kinds of fluids.
2. An apparatus or instrument used for evaporating various kinds of fluids.
1. Someone whose job is to teach students at a school or to help with teaching at a university; a teacher.
2. Anyone who teaches or instructs students; especially, a teacher at a college or a university.
3. A coach, a guide, an adviser, a trainer, a demonstrator, a tutor, a mentor, an educator, etc.
2. Anyone who teaches or instructs students; especially, a teacher at a college or a university.
3. A coach, a guide, an adviser, a trainer, a demonstrator, a tutor, a mentor, an educator, etc.
1. Anything that fills, or covers, something completely, usually with water.
2. That which fills a container quickly beyond capacity; as with a liquid.
2. That which fills a container quickly beyond capacity; as with a liquid.