-ology, -logy, -ologist, -logist

(Greek: a suffix meaning: to talk, to speak; a branch of knowledge; any science or academic field that ends in -ology which is a variant of -logy; a person who speaks in a certain manner; someone who deals with certain topics or subjects)

The word -ology is a back-formation from the names of certain disciplines. The -logy element basically means "the study of ____". Such words are formed from Greek or Latin roots with the terminal -logy derived from the Greek suffix -λογια (-logia), speaking, from λεγειν (legein), "to speak".

The suffix -ology is considered to be misleading sometimes as when the "o" is actually part of the word stem that receives the -logy ending; such as, bio + logy.

Through the years -ology and -logy have come to mean, "study of" or "science of" and either of these suffixes often utilize the form of -ologist, "one who (whatever the preceding element refers to)".

The examples shown in this unit represent just a small fraction of the many words that exist in various dictionaries.

The science of the flow of blood in relation to the pressures, flow, volumes, and resistances in blood vessels, especially in terms of blood viscosity and red cell deformation in the microcirculation.
A student or specialist of heresies.
The study of heresies.
The scientific study of hernias.
herpetology (hur" pi TAHL uh jee) (s) (noun), herpetologies (pl)
The branch of zoology concerned with the study of reptiles and amphibians.
heterologous (adjective), more heterologous, most heterologous
1. Regarding something made up of tissue not normal to the part; xenogeneic: A heterologous graft on Jack's face healed in a short time.
2. Pertaining to antigen and antibody that are not homologous, i.e., the antigen is not the one that elicited the production of the antibody: A heterologous vaccine gave or presented immunity against the pathogen.
heterophenomenology (s) (noun), heterophenomenologies (pl)
The method of studying the consciousness of other people.
hieroglyphologist (s) (noun), hieroglyphologists (pl)
Someone who studies or is a specialist in hieroglyphics: Tim's mother is a hieroglyphologist at the museum and is versed in and writes in hieroglyphics.
hieroglyphology (s) (noun) (no pl)
The study of hieroglyphic writing, or a system employing a conventionalized pictographic script: Albert wanted to take a class in hieroglyphology and understand the scriipts, which were notable used by the ancient Egyptians.
Cross references of word families related directly, or indirectly, to: "talk, speak, speech; words, language; tongue, etc.": cit-; clam-; dic-; fa-; -farious; glosso-; glotto-; lalo-; linguo-; locu-; logo-; loqu-; mythico-; ora-; -phasia; -phemia; phon-; phras-; Quotes: Language,Part 1; Quotes: Language, Part 2; Quotes: Language, Part 3; serm-; tongue; voc-.