-ology, -logy, -ologist, -logist

(Greek: a suffix meaning: to talk, to speak; a branch of knowledge; any science or academic field that ends in -ology which is a variant of -logy; a person who speaks in a certain manner; someone who deals with certain topics or subjects)

The word -ology is a back-formation from the names of certain disciplines. The -logy element basically means "the study of ____". Such words are formed from Greek or Latin roots with the terminal -logy derived from the Greek suffix -λογια (-logia), speaking, from λεγειν (legein), "to speak".

The suffix -ology is considered to be misleading sometimes as when the "o" is actually part of the word stem that receives the -logy ending; such as, bio + logy.

Through the years -ology and -logy have come to mean, "study of" or "science of" and either of these suffixes often utilize the form of -ologist, "one who (whatever the preceding element refers to)".

The examples shown in this unit represent just a small fraction of the many words that exist in various dictionaries.

electroneurodiagnostic technologist
An allied health professional who, in collaboration with an electroencephalographer, obtains interpretable recordings of a patient's nervous system functions.

The electrodiagnostic technologist takes a patient's history; applies adequate recording electrodes and uses optimal EEG (electroencephalograph), EP (evoked potential or a test of nerve response that uses electrodes placed on the scalp to measure brain reaction to a stimulus such as a touch), and PSG (polysomnogram or the recording of the monitoring of relevant normal and abnormal physiological activity during sleep) techniques; and documents the clinical conditions of patients.

electropathology (s) (noun) (no pl)
Determination of the electrical reaction of muscles and nerves as a means of medical diagnosis: Electropathology is the study of pathological conditions with the aid of an electric current used in measuring physical responses.
Someone who studies or applies the processes of electrophysiology, which is a branch of biology concerned with the relationships between electric phenomena and biological functions.
electrophysiology, electrophysiological, electrophysiologic
1. The branch of medicine or biology dealing with the study of electric activity in human or animal bodies.
2. A branch of physiology that studies the relationship between electric phenomena and bodily processes.
3. The study of the electrical properties of living tissue.
4. The electric activity associated with a bodily part or function; such as, the effects of electrical stimulation on tissues, the production of electric currents by organs and tissues, and the therapeutic use of electric currents.
5. A branch of physiology concerned with determining the basic mechanisms by which electric currents are generated within living organisms.
6. The physiological production of electric phenomena in the normal human body.
A former term for radiologist.
electroradiology, radiotherapy
A former term for medical radiography and radiotherapy.
1. A specialist in the branch of physics concerned with the flow and change of shape of matter that is determined by electrical fields.
2. Someone who studies the flow of fluids under the influence of electric fields.
1. The study of the flow of fluids under the influence of electric fields.
2. The way in which fluid flow is influenced by an electric field.
1. The study or science of practical and industrial applications of electricity.
2. The technological use of electric power.
3. A branch of engineering concerned with the practical applications of electricity in all its forms, including those of electronics.

Electrotechnology deals with wire and radio communication, the stored-program electronic computer, radar, and automatic control systems.

The study of the development of an organism from the zygote, or a fertilized egg (the cell resulting from the union of an ovum and a spermatozoon; including the organism that develops from that cell).
embryopathology (s) (noun) (no pl)
The study of defective developments of fetuses: Part of Neal's medical studies included embryopathology in which abnormal embryos were inspected and examined.
The sum of knowledge regarding emetics.
emmenagogology (s) (noun), emmenagogologies (pl)
A treatise on, or a field of learning regarding emmenagogues: In one of her medical classes, Judy read an emmenagogology, or essay, about the medication, either a drug, agent or herb, that induced menstruation in girls and women.
The science which treats of the brain, its structure and functions.
Cross references of word families related directly, or indirectly, to: "talk, speak, speech; words, language; tongue, etc.": cit-; clam-; dic-; fa-; -farious; glosso-; glotto-; lalo-; linguo-; locu-; logo-; loqu-; mythico-; ora-; -phasia; -phemia; phon-; phras-; Quotes: Language,Part 1; Quotes: Language, Part 2; Quotes: Language, Part 3; serm-; tongue; voc-.