-oid, -oidal, -oidism, -odic
(Greek: a suffix; like, resembling, similar to, form)
aneroid (adjective), more aneroid, most aneroid
Relating to or referring to being without fluid or actuated without a flowing substance: The aneroid barometer measures air pressure by the action of air and not by using liquids.
aneuploid (adjective), more aneuploid, most aneuploid
A reference to, or descriptive of, the condition of having an abnormal number of chromosomes for the species indicated.
1. The condition of having an abnormal number of chromosomes for the species indicated.
2. Etymology: from Greek an-, "not" + eu-, "well" + ploos, "fold" + eidos, "form, shape".
2. Etymology: from Greek an-, "not" + eu-, "well" + ploos, "fold" + eidos, "form, shape".
Concerning something similar to angina, especially angina pectoris: Like an anginiform ailment, an anginoid condition is painful and causes the patient much suffering in the area of the heart.
Like or resembling a blood or lymph vessel.
1. Resembling an angioma.
2. A mass of dilated, twisted vessels, that resembles an angioma.
2. A mass of dilated, twisted vessels, that resembles an angioma.
1. Resembling a flower.
2. Like a flower.
2. Like a flower.
An individual invertebrate of the compound anthozoan: An anthozooid is an asexual living form, such as a coral colony, siphonophore, or bryozoan.
anthropoid (adjective), more anthropoid, most anthropoid
Resembling or having the characteristics of a person; used especially to refer to the human-like apes, including chimpanzees, gorillas, and many ancient apes: Harry's brother looked more anthropoid than an actual man because of his size and unusually hairy body.

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anthropoidal (adjective), more anthropoidal, most anthropoidal
1. A reference to the form of a person, man-like.
2. Characterized by being shaped like a creature that is human in form only: There are anthropoidal apes and robots.
2. Characterized by being shaped like a creature that is human in form only: There are anthropoidal apes and robots.
arachnoid (adjective) (not comparable)
1. Covered with, or formed by long, delicate, entangled hairs or fibers: The fine layer of dust covering the old furniture in the attic looked like an arachnoid web of a spider.
2. Referring to the delicate serous membrane, or membranous sac, lining the dura mater, and enveloping the brain and spinal cord: Like a cobweb, a thin arachnoid membrane lies between two other membranes surrounding the brain and the spinal cord.
2. Referring to the delicate serous membrane, or membranous sac, lining the dura mater, and enveloping the brain and spinal cord: Like a cobweb, a thin arachnoid membrane lies between two other membranes surrounding the brain and the spinal cord.
Like or similar to a bear.