odonto-, odont-, odon-, -odont, -odonic, -odontic, -odontia, -odontoid; -dont, -donts, -dontia, -dontic, -dontoid

(Greek: tooth, teeth)

exodontist (s) (noun), exodontists (pl)
A dentist who specializes in the extraction of teeth.
exodontology (s) (noun)
The branch of dentistry concerned with the extraction of teeth.
1. The practice of dentistry among old people.
2. A reference to changes in the dental tissues that come with age.
3. The branch of dentistry focusing on the needs of senior citizens.
4. Also called dental geriatrics and geriodontics.
gerodontist, geriodontist
A dentist specializing in gerodontics.
The study of dentistry in relation to the aging, aged, or elderly.
heterodont (adjective) (not comparable)
Referring to teeth of different kinds or forms, as most mammals: Joyed read in her book on dentistry that heterodont teeth referred to various types of teeth in a person, like incisors, canines, and molars
heterodontosaurid (s) (noun), heterodontosaurids (pl)
A "different-teeth lizard" from Early Jurassic southern Africa: Heterodontosaurids where small, early bird-hipped bipeds resembling fabrosaurids, their likely ancestors.
A “differently-toothed lizard” or “mixed-teeth lizard”; from Early Jurassic South Africa’s Cape Province. Named by English paleontologists Alfred W. Crompton and Alan J. Charig in 1962.
Used to describe vertebrates that have teeth that are all similar in shape and not of different shapes as in most non-mammalian vertebrates.
The study of hypnosis in dentistry.
The application of controlled suggestion and hypnosis to the practice of dentistry.

Related "tooth, teeth" word units: bruxo-; dento-.