nucle-, nucleo-, nuc- +

(Latin: nut, kernel of a nut; stone of a fruit; central part of a cell)

nucleocosmochronology (s) (noun) (no pl)
A technique that attempts to estimate the age of astronomical objects: Dr. Star used the method of nucleocosmochronology to measure the relative abundances of isotopes (any of two or more atoms of an element having the same number of protons, but a different number of neutrons in its nucleus) in his research.
1. Resembling a nucleus.>BR? 2. The aggregated DNA of a bacterium, seen as a distinct region inside the cell. 3. The nuclear region of a bacterium, consisting of a dense, centrally located, irregularly shaped region containing DNA material without a surrounding nuclear membrane.
4. The genetic material (nucleic acid) of a virus, situated in the center of the virion (complete virus particle with its DNA or RNA core and protein coat as it exists outside the cell).
nucleomitaphobia, nucleomitophobia (s) (noun) (no plural)
An extreme horror of nuclear weapons: Some people afflicted by nucleomitaphobia are greatly alarmed that they will die because of a fallout, thermonuclear warfare, radiation, etc. which probably is caused by their predisposition or of some external event.
nucleophile (s) (noun), nucleophiles (pl)
A chemical compound or group that is attracted to nuclei and tends to donate or share electrons: A nucleophile can be exemplified as an electron-donating reagent.
A compound made up of the condensation of a small number of nucleotides.
Near or around a nucleus.
1. A reference to nuclear reactions brought about by nuclear fusion (merger or blending); that is, the fusion of hydrogen to helium at temperatures of over 100,000,000° Centigrade.
2. Referring to any process in which a very high temperature is used to bring about the fusion of light nuclei, with the accompanying liberation of energy.

This process is the source of energy of the sun and it is used in the explosion of thermonuclear weapons.