not-, nosc-, nit-
(Latin: from gnoscere, to come to know, to get to know, to get acquainted [with]; know, learn; mark, sign; and cognoscere, to get to know, to recognize)
notice (verb), notices; noticed; noticing
noticeable (adjective), more noticeable, most noticeable
1. Descriptive of something that is easily seen or detected; observable: It has been noticeable that since gas prices have increased more people are using public transportation to get to work.
2. Susceptible of being significant or noteworthy: Grace noticed no noticeable difference in taste between organic vegetables and the non-organic ones sold at the local market.
2. Susceptible of being significant or noteworthy: Grace noticed no noticeable difference in taste between organic vegetables and the non-organic ones sold at the local market.
noticeably (adverb), more noticeably, most noticeably
1. A reference to how a person or something is easily seen or is apparent: All of a sudden, when she saw David, she blushed noticeably!
2. Pertaining to how a thing can be detected to a certain degree: It was springtime and Jill felt that it became noticeably warmer and warmer from day to day.
3. Concerning how something is observed in truth: Noticeably, what had been simply ignorant was in fact an uneducated and naive statement.
2. Pertaining to how a thing can be detected to a certain degree: It was springtime and Jill felt that it became noticeably warmer and warmer from day to day.
3. Concerning how something is observed in truth: Noticeably, what had been simply ignorant was in fact an uneducated and naive statement.
notify (verb), notifies; notified; notifing
notional (adjective)
notionally (adverb)
notorious (adjective), more notorious, most notorious
Relating to being well-known or famous; especially, for doing something that is wrong or criminal: Tim's supervisor has notorious outbursts when members of his staff don't complete the right results that they have been assigned to produce.

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notoriously (adverb)
notoriousness (s) (noun)
1. The exploration or examination of an area to gather information; especially, about the strength and positioning of enemy forces: The army officials reviewed the different approaches to determine which would be the best way to make a reconnaissance of the enemy territory.
2. A preliminary inspection of an area to obtain geographic, hydrographic, or similar data prior to a detailed survey: The reconnaissance of the district to gather terrestrial information was interrupted when the road ran into a pasture and ended.
3. A preliminary research or investigation of something: There was a lot of reconnaissance done in the forested areas so that the report on rare birds in that area would be as complete as possible.

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2. A preliminary inspection of an area to obtain geographic, hydrographic, or similar data prior to a detailed survey: The reconnaissance of the district to gather terrestrial information was interrupted when the road ran into a pasture and ended.
3. A preliminary research or investigation of something: There was a lot of reconnaissance done in the forested areas so that the report on rare birds in that area would be as complete as possible.