non- +
(Latin: nothing, not)
There are hundreds of other "non-" prefix words that can be found in dictionaries.
Meaning, don't ask who is saying it, examine what is being said.
Motto of Dover College, U.K.
A quote by Erasmus, Adagia, iv. iii, 86 (1523). Another English equivalent is, "Be prepared for hard times." A similar motto from Seneca: Non semper Saturnalia erunt., "The Saturnalia will not last forever" or "Every day is not a holiday." By extension, it also means, "Have a good time now, but remember that it will end and you will be required to pay for any excesses."
The Saturnalia was a principal festival of the Romans which was celebrated in December. This was a time of merrymaking, including debauchery, during which there was a suspension of all public business; such as, closing down schools and courts, slaves having a chance to temporarily exchange places with their masters, and criminals not being punished.
2. A statement containing an illogical conclusion.
3. In logic, a conclusion that does not follow from the premises.
A non sequitur is a literary device; in comedy, it is a comment which, due to its lack of meaning relative to the comment it follows, is absurd to the point of being humorous. Its use can be deliberate or unintentional. Literally, it is Latin for "it does not follow".
In other literature, a non sequitur can denote an abrupt, illogical, unexpected, or absurd turn of plot or dialogue not normally associated with or appropriate to that which preceded it.
In formal logic a non sequitur is a faulty conclusion arrived at by violating a principle of sound reasoning.
A common example is false generalization. In the sentence pair "It was that California guy who hotwired my car so he could steal it" and "All of these Californians are dirty thieves," the second sentence doesn't logically follow from the first; so, it is a non sequitur.
Motto on the colonial seal of the State of Georgia, USA.
Motto of Liverpool College, U.K.
A better known version is "All that glitters is not gold."