nocti-, noct-, nox
(Latin: night)
noctimania, noctomania
An intense fascination with night as opposed to daylight.
An irrational fear of night and darkness: Little Jill had noctiphobia and always had to have a light on in her room when she slept between sunset and sunrise.
Someone who has an irrational fear of night: Mrs. Smith was noctiphobic and was always frightened of going out into the darkness after sunset because of what might happen when she couldn't see everything perfectly!
An excessive urination at night, possibly due to excessive fluid intake before going to bed, prostatic disease, urinary tract infection, or impaired renal function that results in excretion of urine with a low specific gravity; also nycturia.
1. In the Roman Catholic Church, one of the three divisions of the service of matins, previously held at midnight but now usually at daybreak.
2. An office of devotion, or an act of religious service, by night.
2. An office of devotion, or an act of religious service, by night.
A reference to night-flying insects; as opposed to diurnae or daylight-flying insects.
nocturnal (adjective), more nocturnal, most nocturnal
1. Pertaining to the time when something happens after there is no more daylight: Jack and Jill loved to go on nocturnal walks and look at the stars in the sky.
2. Descriptive of plants being active during the hours of darkness or lasting only during late evening as opposed to daytime: One beautiful nocturnal flower that only opens at night is the night-blooming cereus.
3. A reference to animals that are active when no light from the sun can be seen and most people go to bed to sleep: Owls are normally nocturnal creatures because they only hunt at night.

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2. Descriptive of plants being active during the hours of darkness or lasting only during late evening as opposed to daytime: One beautiful nocturnal flower that only opens at night is the night-blooming cereus.
3. A reference to animals that are active when no light from the sun can be seen and most people go to bed to sleep: Owls are normally nocturnal creatures because they only hunt at night.

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At night: "The biologists were not aware of this nocturnally active bird."
1. A musical composition, especially for the piano, that suggests a tranquil dreamy mood.
3. Etymology: a "composition of a dreamy character"; from French nocturne, literally, "composition appropriate to the night"; a noun use of Old French nocturne, "nocturnal"; from Latin nocturnus.
It evolved during the early 19th century, and Chopin was the most famous composer of nocturnes.
2. A painting of a night scene.3. Etymology: a "composition of a dreamy character"; from French nocturne, literally, "composition appropriate to the night"; a noun use of Old French nocturne, "nocturnal"; from Latin nocturnus.
It is said to have been coined in about 1814 by John Field, who wrote many of them, in a style that Chopin mastered in his own works, which popularized the term.
1. The Roman mythological goddess of night.
2. A reference to night; used primarily in poetry.
2. A reference to night; used primarily in poetry.
Of or relating to the night; nocturnal.
The action of passing or spending the night; especially, in ecclesiastical use, spending the night in prayer; an all-night vigil.
psychogenic nocturnal polydipsia syndrome
Emotionally induced excessive water drinking at night.
Something that is accomplished in half a night.
sudor nocturnus
Night sweat or drenching perspiration occurring at night, or whenever the patient sleeps, in the course of pulmonary tuberculosis or other febrile diseases.