neuro-, neuron-, neurono-, neur-, neuri-, -neuroma, -neurotic, -neurosis, -neuron, -neural, -neuria
(Greek: nerve, nerve fiber, tendon, sinew, cord; nerve cell, nerve cells)
A reference to the description of the nerves and the nervous system.
1. A scientific description of the nerves; descriptive neurology.
2. A name proposed for all the neurograms of an individual, considered collectively.
2. A name proposed for all the neurograms of an individual, considered collectively.
The microscopic anatomy of the nervous system.
A hormone formed by neurosecretory cells and liberated by nerve impulses (e.g., norepinephrine).
1. A drug that is useful in the treatment of mental disorders, especially psychoses.
2. A reference to the actions of such a drug.
2. A reference to the actions of such a drug.
A state of analgesic consciousness: Neuroleptoanalgesia is produced by the administration of neuroleptic drugs, allowing painless surgery to be performed on a patient that is awake.
1. The science concerned with the neural mechanisms underlying the comprehension, production, and abstract knowledge or spoken, signed, or written language.
2. The branch of linguistics that explores how the brain encodes language.
3. The branch of medical science concerned with the neuroanatomical basis of speech and its disorders.
2. The branch of linguistics that explores how the brain encodes language.
3. The branch of medical science concerned with the neuroanatomical basis of speech and its disorders.
Physicians who specialize in the functions and disorders of bodily nervous systems: Timothy's family doctor sent him to a neurologist at the hospital for further tests, diagnosis, and treatment regarding his extremely twitchy and jittery condition.

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Pathologic softening of nervous tissue.
A cross reference of word units that are related, directly or indirectly, to "cell, cells, cell nucleus": celli-; cellulo-; cyto-; endothelio-; gameto-; glio-; kary-, karyo-.
Here is a general explanation about Cells and their Compositions.