neuro-, neuron-, neurono-, neur-, neuri-, -neuroma, -neurotic, -neurosis, -neuron, -neural, -neuria

(Greek: nerve, nerve fiber, tendon, sinew, cord; nerve cell, nerve cells)

hysterical neurosis
A form of neurosis in which there is an involuntary disturbance or loss of psychogenic origin of motor, sensory, or mental function.

Characteristically, the symptoms begin and end suddenly in situations which are emotionally charged and which are symbolic of underlying, usually repressed conflicts; frequently the symptoms can be modified by suggestions.

Peculiar to nerve tissue.
Nervous speech disorder.
laloneurosis (spasmodic)
Stuttering as a result of a central nervous-system disease.
1. Any neurosis marked by speech disorders.
2. Neurosis associated with a speech defect.
mononeuralgia (s) (noun) (no pl)
Pain along the course of one nerve: Ron learned that mononeuralgia related to a person being plagued by only a single nerve trunk.
1. A tumor composed of mucous and nerve tissue elements.
2. A neurilemoma, meningioma, or glioma in which the stroma is myxomatous (gelatinous or mucus tissue) in nature.
nerve fibril, neurofibril
1. A delicate fibril found in the cell body and processes of a neuron.
2. One of the delicate threads running in every direction through the cytoplasm of a nerve cell, extending into the axon and dendrites (receptive surfaces of a neuron).
neuraleptanesthesia (s) (noun), neuraleptanesthesias (pl)
Consciousness that results from the use of nerve blocking pain medication, for example a narcotic for use in some surgical procedures: Because Dr.McMahon wanted to be able to speak with Susan during the surgical process, she used a medication that resulted in neuraleptanesthesia.

A cross reference of word units that are related, directly or indirectly, to "cell, cells, cell nucleus": celli-; cellulo-; cyto-; endothelio-; gameto-; glio-; kary-, karyo-.

Here is a general explanation about Cells and their Compositions.