ne-, neo-
(Greek: new, recent, current, young)
1. A new or novel way of writing.
2. A new method or system of writing.
2. A new method or system of writing.
A branch of ichnology (branch of paleontology as represented by fossils) concerned with the study of modern traces (such as burrows, trails, etc.) created by organisms on and within fresh sediments.
1. Resembling something new or recent.
2. Like new in shape or form.
2. Like new in shape or form.
1. A 19th-century movement in painting: Neoimpressionism, favoring stricter and more formal techniques of composition than impressionism, was initiated mainly by the pointillist Georges Seurat in the 1880s.
2. An art movement in French paintings: Neoimpressionism used the doctrines and methods of a group of artists of the 19th century which were based on a more strictly formal practice of impressionist technique employing tiny dots of primary colors on a white background.
2. An art movement in French paintings: Neoimpressionism used the doctrines and methods of a group of artists of the 19th century which were based on a more strictly formal practice of impressionist technique employing tiny dots of primary colors on a white background.
neokinetic, neocinetic
1. Concerning the portion of the nervous system that regulates voluntary muscular control.
2. The most recently developed nervous system.
2. The most recently developed nervous system.
The use of neologisms in speech; especially, those associated with schizophrenia.
neolalia, neolalism
The use of neologisms in speech; especially, as seen in some psychiatric disorders.
The cult of novelty or the "worship" of what is new.
A Neolithic implement.
A reference to the period of human culture following the Mesolithic period; characterized by a great variety of polished stone, implements, and the development of new social forms based on primitive techniques in weaving, spinning, and pottery-making, and the introduction of a settled agriculture exploiting many new domesticated plants.
1. A recently coined word or phrase, or a recently extended meaning of an existing word or phrase: When Jane was reading about neologisms, she came across some new terms, such as "adultolescence", "pastability", and "pre-zactly"!
2. The practice of coining new words or phrases, or of extending the meaning of existing words or phrases: Tom was very interested in neologism and was fascinated by the way previously used terms were formed into brand-new ways of expression!
3. In medicine and psychiatry, an existing word can be used in a new sense or a new word or phrase of the patient's own making can be created, often seen in schizophrenia: In psychiatry, such usages of neologisms may have meaning only to the sufferer or be indicative of his or her condition. 4. The use of an unconventional vocabulary innovation; when the use of such a coinage or innovation is either rationally, to represent a new idea, method, or object; or as with a disordered neurological condition or as with a mental disorder when the patient wishes to express a highly complex meaning related to his or her conflicts: In her state of delirium, Sandra was known to create neologisms and invent new terms nobody had ever heard of before!
5. Etymology: "practice of innovation in language", 1800, from French néologisme, from Greek neo-, "new" + Greek logos, "word".

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2. The practice of coining new words or phrases, or of extending the meaning of existing words or phrases: Tom was very interested in neologism and was fascinated by the way previously used terms were formed into brand-new ways of expression!
3. In medicine and psychiatry, an existing word can be used in a new sense or a new word or phrase of the patient's own making can be created, often seen in schizophrenia: In psychiatry, such usages of neologisms may have meaning only to the sufferer or be indicative of his or her condition. 4. The use of an unconventional vocabulary innovation; when the use of such a coinage or innovation is either rationally, to represent a new idea, method, or object; or as with a disordered neurological condition or as with a mental disorder when the patient wishes to express a highly complex meaning related to his or her conflicts: In her state of delirium, Sandra was known to create neologisms and invent new terms nobody had ever heard of before!
5. Etymology: "practice of innovation in language", 1800, from French néologisme, from Greek neo-, "new" + Greek logos, "word".

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1. A lexicographer of new words and expressions or a person who coins or makes up new words.
2. Someone who invents or employs new words.
3. Anyone who introduces, or uses new words, or new senses of existing words.
4. A person who adopts new views, or new doctrines; especially, a new interpretation of sacred writings or views of theology.
5. In psychiatry, someone who produces a new word, often consisting of a combination of other words, that is understood only by the speaker.
2. Someone who invents or employs new words.
3. Anyone who introduces, or uses new words, or new senses of existing words.
4. A person who adopts new views, or new doctrines; especially, a new interpretation of sacred writings or views of theology.
5. In psychiatry, someone who produces a new word, often consisting of a combination of other words, that is understood only by the speaker.
This occurs most often in the speech of schizophrenics.
1. To use new words or phrases.
2. Making use of new words or new meanings for old words.
2. Making use of new words or new meanings for old words.
A newly created word meaning proliferation of neologisms, or newly created words: In her English studies, Stella was amazed at the number of neologoliferations she encountered on the internet!
Neologoliferation is a combination of neo, "new"; logo, "word"; and proliferation, "rapid and often excessive spread or increase".
1. The introduction of a new word, or of words or significations, into a language; such as, the present nomenclature of chemistry is a remarkable instance of neology.
2. A new doctrine; especially, a doctrine at variance with the received interpretation of revealed truth; a new method of theological interpretation; rationalism.
2. A new doctrine; especially, a doctrine at variance with the received interpretation of revealed truth; a new method of theological interpretation; rationalism.
Cross references of word families related to: "new, recent": cen-, ceno-; nov-, novo-.