morpho-, morph-, -morphous, -morphically, -morphia, -morphosis, -morphously, -morphy, -morphic, -morphism
(Greek: shape, form, figure, appearance)
Origins of morpho- words
The Roman god of sleep is Somnus; so, when we are sleepy, we are "somnolent". Sleep walking is "somnambulism" which in Latin means exactly the same thing; that is, "sleepwalking".
The son of Somnus is Morpheus, the god of dreams, indicating that sleep gives birth to dreams. Morpheus goes back through Latin to the Greek word for "form" or "shape" because dreams are forms and shapes developed in the mind while sleeping.
2. Having a characteristic mealy or granular appearance; used with reference to some plant diseases.
3. Having the appeasrance of peeled (pearl) barley; applied to certain fungi.
The sculptor took a lump of clay that was an amorph and molded it quickly into a rough human form.
The lawyer did not present any reasonable arguments in defense of his client, Mary Jones; instead, he presented a collection of unsupported amorphs that persuaded no one to acquit her of the charges.
2. Etymology: from the Greek prefix a, "without, not" + Greek morphe, "shape" + Greek gnosis, "knowledge".
It has large spathes (a large bract or a specialized leaf, usually smaller than the foliage leaves, often colored, which surrounds the inflorescence of aroid plants and palms) containing many bad-smelling flowers.
2. Not belonging to a particular type or pattern: Toby's amorphous commitment to regularly paid employment was difficult to understand.
3. Of no particular kind or character; indeterminate; having no pattern or structure; unorganized: Kari has an amorphous style of writing; as well as, an amorphous personality.
4. In petrology, a mineral occurring in a mass, as without stratification, form, or crystalline structure: The amorphous layer of sand was mixed with an unidentified hard substance which made drilling for natural gas difficult.

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The teleomorph describes a fungus when it reproduces sexually. The anamorph is a name that refers to the fungus when it reproduces asexually. The holomorph refers to the "whole fungus".
2. A reference to a kind of distorting optical system; such as, "an anamorphic lense".
3. Motion picture terminology: Cinemascope; an optical system which has different magnifications in the vertical and horizontal dimensions of the picture.
Silicates are built up, and the formation of denser minerals and of compact crystalline structure takes place.
2. Metamorphism that occurs deep under the earth's surface which changes simple minerals into complex minerals.
3. A distorted projection or perspective; especially an image distorted in such a way that it becomes visible only when viewed in a special manner (synonym: anamorphosis).