mimo-, mim-, -mimesis, -mimia, -mimetic, -mime, -mimic, -mimical, -mimically
(Greek: represent, impersonate, copy; imitate, act as; simulate, simulation)
A plant, or animal, resembling in many respects another one from which it is systematically distinct and geographically isolated.
1. The simulation of death by a mental patient who believes himself or herself to be dead.
2. The pathological delusion in which a person is convinced that he or she is dead.
2. The pathological delusion in which a person is convinced that he or she is dead.
A term referring to the hysterical or neurotic simulation of disease.
Resembling a dream as a partly forgotten experience.
1. A performance using body movements without words: Mona is an actress who utilizes pantomimes as part of her dramatic actions.
2. A form of communication by means of gestures and facial expressions: Those who are deaf communicate with pantomimes instead of trying to hear people who are talking.
3. In ancient Rome, a theatrical performance by one masked actor who played all the characters, using only dance, gesture, and expression, and no words: In a stage drama, or pantomime in the capital of Italy, a chorus narrated the story while the tale itself was portrayed by only one person who didn't speak at all.
4. Etymology: "mime actor", from Latin pantomimus, "mime, dancer"; from Greek pantomimos, "actor"; literally, "imitator of all"; from panto-, "all" + mimos, "imitator".

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2. A form of communication by means of gestures and facial expressions: Those who are deaf communicate with pantomimes instead of trying to hear people who are talking.
3. In ancient Rome, a theatrical performance by one masked actor who played all the characters, using only dance, gesture, and expression, and no words: In a stage drama, or pantomime in the capital of Italy, a chorus narrated the story while the tale itself was portrayed by only one person who didn't speak at all.
4. Etymology: "mime actor", from Latin pantomimus, "mime, dancer"; from Greek pantomimos, "actor"; literally, "imitator of all"; from panto-, "all" + mimos, "imitator".

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The mimicry of the symptoms of an illness or injury: Some students try deliberately to imitate the signs of being sick, known as pathomimesis, in order to achieve a desired objective, like staying home from school.
1. A drug or substance that produces psychological and behavioral changes resembling those of psychosis; for example, LSD.
2. Tending to produce symptoms like those of a psychosis; hallucinatory as a result of some substance or drug.
2. Tending to produce symptoms like those of a psychosis; hallucinatory as a result of some substance or drug.
Producing, or imitating, effects similar to those of ionizing radiations.
Mimicking the effects of impulses conveyed by adrenergic postganglionic fibers (unmyelinated, or unsheathed, nerves) of the sympathetic nervous system.
sympathomimetic (adjective), more sympathomimetic, most sympathomimetic
A description of a drug that stimulates the sympathetic nervous system or produces physiological effects similar to it: A Sympathomimetic excitant or medication produces effects resembling those of impulses transmitted by the postganglionic fibers of the sympathetic nervous system.
The ability or skill of feigning death; usually, in order to avoid being killed.
vagomimetic (adjective), more vagomimetic, most vagomimetic
A reference to an action caused by the stimulation of fibers in the vagus nerve: The vibrations of the instrument the medical technician was using caused a vagomimetic response in Susan's tongue.