meter-, metro-, metr-, -metrical, -metrically, -metron, -metric, -metrist, -meter, -meters, -metry, -metre
(Greek: measure)
The measurement of chronaxie: Dr. Martin used the method of chronaximetry to determine the minimum time required for the electric current to stimulate Jack's leg muscle.
1. In horlology, an exceptionally precise watch, timepiece, or clock: The time of day is indicated by a chronometer set to Greenwich Mean Time.
2. An instrument for measuring time, specifically applied to time-keepers adjusted to keep accurate time in all variations of temperature: Chronometers are said to differ from watches by having a more perfect escapement and a compensation balance, and are used for determining longitude at sea, and for other exact observations.
2. An instrument for measuring time, specifically applied to time-keepers adjusted to keep accurate time in all variations of temperature: Chronometers are said to differ from watches by having a more perfect escapement and a compensation balance, and are used for determining longitude at sea, and for other exact observations.
The technique of accurately measuring time; the measurement of intervals of time: The system of chronometry proved to be excellent in Jill's watch and it kept perfect time even when she was hiking in high altitudes in the Alps!
An instrument for measuring the chronaxie or electric reaction of a muscle: Dr. Short used a chronomyometer to estimate the minimum time of an electric current which stimulated the muscle in Jack's arm.
A clock that has components for the function of showing temperatures: A chronothermometer is a timepiece or chronometer that includes an anti-compensated balance-wheel which is used to indicate mean temperature.
An excessive, or abnormal, fear of cemeteries: Those who are possessed with coimetrophobia usually are also afraid of going to funerals, looking at tombstones or dead bodies, or just hearing about funerals.
Some people who have coimetrophobia will drive long distances out of their way to avoid going by such a place reserved for human and animal remains, or they will even walk on the other side of the street to avoid being close to one.

A man was so afraid of dying that he always stayed in his living room.
He or she who pretends to look on death without fear, lies.
An instrument for measuring shells, or the angle of their spires.
The art of measuring shells or their curves; conchyliometry.
An instrument for measuring conductivity.
The study or science of the measurement of conductivity; the process of such measurement.
The art of measuring the world or the universe.
An instrument or device that measures the degree of deformity in a diseased hip joint.
An instrument for measuring diameters, etc. of skulls.
Related "measure" and "metric" words and charts: mens-; Metric Chart of Units; Metric-Length Converter; Metric Units and Links.