meter-, metro-, metr-, -metrical, -metrically, -metron, -metric, -metrist, -meter, -meters, -metry, -metre

(Greek: measure)

An obsolete instrument once used for measuring the rate and degree of dark adaptation, as in vitamin "A" deficiency.
biospectrometry (s) (noun), biospectrometries (pl)
The use of a device that is used to determine the types and amounts of various substances in living tissues or fluids found in bodies: "The medical laboratory used a biospectrometry in an effort to determine what was causing David's skin disease."
1. Study of the behavior and activity of organisms using remote detection and transmission equipment; radio tracking.
2. The technique of monitoring vital processes and transmitting data without wires to a point remote from the subject.
3. The tracking of a free-ranging animal, or the monitoring of one or more of its physiological conditions, by beans of electronic equipment that receives signals from a radio transmitter or similar device attached to, or embedded in the animal.
An instrument for measuring the vibratory-perception threshold.
A device, or instrument, for measuring the intensity of thunder.
butyrometer, butyroscope
An instrument for determining the amount of butterfat in milk.
cacaerometer (s) (noun), cacaerometers (pl)
An instrument used to measure the quality of bad air or pollutions: The meteorologist used a cacaerometer to determine the condition or status of the air so he could provide an accurate weather report.
capnometry (s) (noun), capnometries (pl)
1. The science of measuring the concentration of smoke in the atmosphere, in a smoke plume, or in a flue gas (smoke that comes out of a stove or a furnace).
2. The measurement of carbon dioxide in a volume of gas.

The most common monitoring units are based on the selective absorption of infrared light by carbon dioxide and water vapor.

Capnometries usually work on the principle that carbon dioxide absorbs infra-red radiation. A beam of infra-red light is passed across the gas sample to fall on a sensor. The presence of carbon dioxide in the gas leads to a reduction in the amount of light falling on the sensor, which changes the voltage in a circuit.

Capnometry measures the concentration of carbon dioxide (which provides information on blood flow) through the lungs, which then goes on to other organs.


Related "measure" and "metric" words and charts: mens-; Metric Chart of Units; Metric-Length Converter; Metric Units and Links.