1. An instrument used for the measurement of magnetic flux or the lines of magnetic force arising from and found in the vicinity of a magnetized body.
2. A meter that measures magnetic flux by the current it generates in a coil.
(s) (noun), frigorimeters
An instrument designed specifically for the measurement of low temperatures: In class, Mr. Green showed the students a photo of a frigorimeter that could measure temperatures from about -38° to -70°C.
An instrument for testing taste sensation by applying an electrical stimulus to the lingual mucosa.
1. An instrument that detects, measures, and determines the direction of a small electric current.
2. An instrument that measures a small electric current by measuring the mechanical motion derived from electromagnetic or electrodynamic forces produced by the current.
Galvanometers can be used directly as ammeters, and are the core element of many ohmmeters and voltmeters.
The art or process of measuring the force of electric currents.
A gauge for measuring laughter
A reference to the measurement of an interval of time in relation to the history of the Earth and by using absolute or relative dating techniques: Geochronometric research involves the assessments of geologic time by scrutinizing isotopic radioactive decay.
(s) (noun), geochronometries
An extension of geometry conceived as taking time into account as the fourth dimension; the geometry of space-time: Geochronometry uses faultless calculations of geologic time, as through isotopic-radioactive decay or radioactive elements or minerals.
(adjective), more geometrical, most geometrical
Pertaining to, or according to the rules or principles of, geometry: Little Susan drew a cat with
geometrical shapes, like triangle-shaped ears and a body which had an oval shape.
Geometrical is often used in a limited or strictly technical sense, as opposed to mechanical, therefore a construction or solution is geometrical which can be made by rulers and compasses, that is by means of right lines and circles.
(adverb), more geometrically, most geometrically
1. Regarding how something is created with simple shapes: The construction of the roof is geometrically interesting.
2. Pertaining to how geometry is put into praceice: The vines on the trellis grew quite geometrically up the side of the house.
3. Concerning how the rules or laws of geometry are applied: The students in class were very busy with calculating geometrically the amount of space inside a given object.
geometry, counting geometry
(s) (noun); geometries; counting geometries
1. The branch of mathematics that deals with points, lines, surfaces, and solids, and examines their properties: Geometry is a subject taught in school which is concerned with the features and relationships of points, lines, angles, curves, surfaces, and solids.
2. In nuclear medicine, any of the various arrangements between a radioactive source and a detector that affects the accuracy of counting or measurement: Counting geometry is a branch of algebraic geometry which deals with assessing the number of clarifications to geometric problems.
(s) (noun) (no pl)
The study or science of the measurements of formerr temperature of rock history:
Geothermometry includes the direct or indirect measurement or approximation of the temperatures at which geologic processes take place or have taken place.
Geothermometry is the science of the Earth's heat and temperatures, and their effects on geologic processes.
Geothermometry pertains to the investigation of the Earth's heat and subsurface temperatures.
In geology class, Mary learned that geothermometry was important for determining a mineral or aggregate of minerals whose presence defined the temperature range of limits within which the minerals were formed, also known as a geologic thermometer.
gigameters (British: gigametres)
(s) (noun), globulimeters
An instrument for measuring the number of red blood corpuscles in the blood: A
globulimeter uses a process of studying the differences of tint obtained by mixing a sample of the blood with a sodium carbonate solution.