meter-, metro-, metr-, -metrical, -metrically, -metron, -metric, -metrist, -meter, -meters, -metry, -metre
(Greek: measure)
diametrical (adjective), more diametrical, most diametrical
Characterized by completely different beliefs or ideas which are opposite to those of another person: Alice has diametrical thoughts about where she should invest her money which contradict those of her financial advisor.

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dissymmetrical, dissymmetric
The absence or lack of symmetry; that is, not being the same or corresponding on both sides of a central dividing line.
A device for measuring sensitivity or degrees of pain, or pain intensity: A dolorimeter utilizes a variety of stimuli, such as thermal radiation and some standard responses by the conscious individual as an index of pain threshold.
A dolorimeter is an instrument usually employing infrared radiation, for measuring the stimulus magnitude required for inducing pain.
The technique of measuring pain sensitivity or pain intensity: Dolorimetry is a method of assessing intensity of pain perception in degrees ranging from unpleasant to unbearable by using heat applied to the skin as a gauge.
Dolorimetry is a system for measuring the sensitivity to pain produced by heat rays focused on an area of skin and recorded in "dols".
1. An instrument that measures and indicates the amount of x-rays or radiation absorbed in a given period: "During the patient’s treatment, the nurse carefully read and recorded the results of the therapy from the dosimeter."
2. A device carried by a person for measuring the quantity of ionizing radiation; such as, gamma rays, to which one has been exposed: "Part of the hospital experiment was to have the patients wearing a dosimeter for three weeks and then submitting to tests at the end of the period."
2. A device carried by a person for measuring the quantity of ionizing radiation; such as, gamma rays, to which one has been exposed: "Part of the hospital experiment was to have the patients wearing a dosimeter for three weeks and then submitting to tests at the end of the period."
Measurement of radiation exposure, especially X-rays or gamma rays; calculation of a radiation dose from internally administered radionuclides: "The doctor checked the affects of the radiation doses with the clinic's dosimetry."
An instrument for measuring the ductility of metals.
An instrument which is used to measure the hardness or stiffness of a material: Mark tested the sample of plastic with a durometer to verify its consistency.
Related "measure" and "metric" words and charts: mens-; Metric Chart of Units; Metric-Length Converter; Metric Units and Links.