meta-, met-, meth-

(Greek: after, behind, beyond; changed in form, altered; higher [used to designate a higher degree of a branch of science])

A variety of applications that include the following:

  • later, behind; as in: metaphase, metathorax
  • beyond, transcending, encompassing; as in: metagalaxy, metalanguage
  • change, transformation; as in: metaplasia
  • higher, more developed; as in: metaxylem
  • used in chemical names; as in: metaphosphate
1. Alteration of rock by material that is added, removed, or exchanged by water solutions, without the influence of high temperature and pressure.
2. The alteration of rock caused by the infiltration of water and the subsequent addition, removal, or exchange of materials in the absence of high temperature or pressure.
1. A kind of metamorphosis, in certain insects, in which the larva itself undergoes remarkable changes of form and structure during its growth.
2. A major change in form between successive stages of larval development; especially, of insects, for example, when an active mobile larva turns into a legless inactive grub.
3. In medicine, an excessive attentiveness and reaction to visual stimuli.
The metabolism of fat; utilization of fat.
Having the jaws slightly projecting; between prognathous (jaws projecting beyond the upper part of the face) and orthognathous (front of the head, or the skull, nearly perpendicular, not retreating backwards above the jaws).
A many-celled organism (metaphyte and metazoon).
1. Dependence of one organism on another for its existence.
2. A relationship between two organisms in which only one of the partners benefits.
3. Either a condition of symbiosis in which one symbiont sets the stage for the arrival of the other or a mutual association of two organisms of which one is thought to benefit without detriment to the other.
4. A symbiotic relationship in which one organism modifies the environment before the second one is able to live in it.
metabolic acidosis (MEH tuh BAH lik AH sih DOH sis)
A condition in which the blood is too acidic.

It may be caused by severe illness or sepsis, or bacteria in the bloodstream.

metabolic disorder (MEH tuh BAH lik dis OR duhr) (s) (noun), metabolic disorders (pl)
A condition in which normal chemical processes in which a plant or an animal uses food, water, etc. in order to grow and to make energy are disrupted; usually, because of a missing enzyme: Joe had to see his doctor regarding his metabolic disorder before it developed into a more serious condition.
metabolic therapy (MEH tuh BAH lik THAYR uh pee)
Treatment to correct changes in metabolism that can be caused by disease.