(Latin: measure)
Biometrics: Measuring Biological Traits for Security Reasons
Biometrics is used almost exclusively to measure the human-biological traits for security reasons.
commensal (adjective) (not comparable)
1. Relating to or descriptive of those who habitually eat together: "Carlos and his family made every effort to eat their evening meals together, even when there were activities that could interfere with their commensal meals; such as, television programs or evening sports events."
2. Living in a relationship when one organism gets food or other benefits from another organism or group without doing any harm to it: "The intestines have competition between the naturally commensal bacteria that live in the intestinal tract and any invading bacteria."
3. Etymology: from the Latin prefix com- meaning "with, together, jointly" and the Latin adjective mensalis, meaning "of the table."
2. Living in a relationship when one organism gets food or other benefits from another organism or group without doing any harm to it: "The intestines have competition between the naturally commensal bacteria that live in the intestinal tract and any invading bacteria."
3. Etymology: from the Latin prefix com- meaning "with, together, jointly" and the Latin adjective mensalis, meaning "of the table."
In its earliest English uses, commensal referred to people who ate together, but about 1870, biologists started using it for organisms and since then, the scientific sense has almost completely replaced the "dining" idea.
The symbiotic (living together) relationship between two different kinds of organisms when one organism gets benefits from another organism without hurting or damaging it: "One example of commensalism is when barnacles are attached to whales."
commensurable (adjective), more commensurable, most commensurable
1. Regarding numbers that can be divisible by the same factor: The digits 6 and 9 can both be divided by 3, and so they are commensurable digits.
2. Pertaining to the capacity of being calculated by a common criterion: Since a yard and a foot can both be measured by inches, they are both commensurable.
3. Referring to something which is consistent with or in accordance with something else: The salaries for teachers are commensurable or proportionate to their educational qualifications and to the number of years of teaching.
2. Pertaining to the capacity of being calculated by a common criterion: Since a yard and a foot can both be measured by inches, they are both commensurable.
3. Referring to something which is consistent with or in accordance with something else: The salaries for teachers are commensurable or proportionate to their educational qualifications and to the number of years of teaching.
commensurably (adverb), more commensurably, most commensurably
Pertaining to how something is measured by a conventional and customary standard: Clocks all over the world tick away commensurably by seconds, minutes, and hours.
commensurate (adjective); more commensurate, most commensurate
1. Descriptive of a correspondence in duration or size: The two pairs of shoes that Sam bought are quite commensurate because both pairs fit his feet!
2. Characterizing the equivalent in amount, value, or degree; proportionate: The excellent grade Joan received on her essay was commensurate with the quality of work that she usually did.
3. Concerning the ability to be calculated by a shared standard: The wages for the workers in the firm in one country are commensurate with those employees who are paid by the same company in a different nation; which means that they are determined by the same method of computations or assessments.

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2. Characterizing the equivalent in amount, value, or degree; proportionate: The excellent grade Joan received on her essay was commensurate with the quality of work that she usually did.
3. Concerning the ability to be calculated by a shared standard: The wages for the workers in the firm in one country are commensurate with those employees who are paid by the same company in a different nation; which means that they are determined by the same method of computations or assessments.

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countermeasure, countermeasures
1. Something which is done in reaction to and as a defense against a hostile action by someone else, or something that is done in order to deal with a threat.
2. An action taken to offset another action.
3. Action taken to oppose, to neutralize, or to retaliate against some other action.
4. Etymology: combined with the Latin prefix contra, "opposite, contrary to, against, in return" + measure, "plan of action".
2. An action taken to offset another action.
3. Action taken to oppose, to neutralize, or to retaliate against some other action.
4. Etymology: combined with the Latin prefix contra, "opposite, contrary to, against, in return" + measure, "plan of action".
1: An interpretation or aspect of a condition, a thing, or an issue: Janet asked her daughter, "Is this your idea of a new dimension of our dessert by adding cherries to the chocolate sauce on top the ice cream?”
2. The length, the depth, or the height of an object; usually, used in the plural form: First Jackie had to measure the dimensions of the living room before getting the right amount of paint at the store for redecorating it.
2. The length, the depth, or the height of an object; usually, used in the plural form: First Jackie had to measure the dimensions of the living room before getting the right amount of paint at the store for redecorating it.
immensurable (adjective), more immensurable, most immensurable
Not capable of being calculated in regards to space, intensity or quantity: Outer space is considered to be immensurable or immeasurable.
incommensurable (adjective), more incommensurable, most incommensurable
1. Insusceptible of being measured by the same criteria as something else: Perhaps the differences between meat and fruit are so great that they can be considered to be incommensurable.
2. Not deserving comparison: The statement that Bob uttered was incommensurable with the truth of how the incident happened.
3. Not possessing units of the same dimension: Perhaps it can be said that temperatures expressed in Celsius are incommensurable with the Fahrenheit system of defining temperatures.
2. Not deserving comparison: The statement that Bob uttered was incommensurable with the truth of how the incident happened.
3. Not possessing units of the same dimension: Perhaps it can be said that temperatures expressed in Celsius are incommensurable with the Fahrenheit system of defining temperatures.
Related "measure" and "metric" words and charts: meter-, metro-; Metric Chart of Units; Metric-Length Converter; Metric Units and Links.
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