macro-, macr-

(Greek: large, great; long [in extent or duration]; enlarged, or elongated, long [in length]; abnormally large)

macroscopic, macroscopically
1. Large enough to be perceived or examined by the unaided eye or something which can be examined without the aid of magnifying equipment.
2. Relating to or concerned with large units that can be easily seen.
The study or observation of objects which are large enough to be seen with normal vision and without the need of any magnifying equipment for the eyes.
macroseism, macroseismic
A major earthquake.
Having an abnormally large body.
A reference to a large round object or ball.
macrostructure (s), macrostructures (pl) (noun forms)
1. A structure, or structures; such as, that of a metal that is large enough to be seen or examined with little or no magnification.
2. A number of parts that are held or put together; such as, of metal, a body part, or the soil which is revealed by visual examinations with little or no magnification.
The larger of two symbionts.
The larger of two symbiotic organisms.
A plant which can not tolerate low temperatures and that flourishes in a tropical environment.
An abnormal enlargement of the pinna of the ear.

The pinna is the part of the ear that projects like a little wing from the head. In Latin, pinna means "wing".

Pinna abnormalities and low-set ears refer to abnormalities in the shape or position of the outer ear (pinna or auricle).

Having large ears, great big ears, or being large eared.
In Diptera the larger microscopic hairs on the surface of the wings; single or branched hairs, sometimes called setae; these are hollow, longer than microtrichia, and arise from a pit or socket; they may be fine or thickened.
1. Someone who is ignorant of large words.
2. A person who pretends to know a word then secretly goes to a dictionary to find out what it means.

Related "big, large, great" words: grand-; magni-; major-; maxi-; mega-; megalo-.