macro-, macr-
(Greek: large, great; long [in extent or duration]; enlarged, or elongated, long [in length]; abnormally large)
macrophytophagous, macrophytophage, macrophytophagy
Eating higher plant material only.
A form of life composed either of large plants (megaphytoplankton) or of elongate plants such as filamentous algae: Since Jane was studying biology, she had to learn about macrophytoplankton, some of which were large types of flora, and some that were filamentlike and had long and narrow forms.
macropine: kangaroos
A reference to kangaroos.
A large plant or animal organism 20-200 mm in diameter: In biology class the students were able to view macrroplanktons without the need of a microscope.
Long-footed; a long-footed animal, e.g. a spider-crab.
Abnormally large feet; excessive size of the feet. Also, megalopodia and pes gigas.

macropodine: kangaroos, wallabies
A reference to kangaroos and wallabies.
1. An illusion in which objects appear larger than their actual sizes.
2. A medical condition in which everything perceived by the eyes appear to be bigger than it really is, often as a result of a retinal disease or a brain disorder.
3. The visual perception of objects as being larger than they really are.
2. A medical condition in which everything perceived by the eyes appear to be bigger than it really is, often as a result of a retinal disease or a brain disorder.
3. The visual perception of objects as being larger than they really are.
Genus of marsupials including the common kangaroo.
Macropus Giganteus
A kangaroo.
An excessively large rear-end or back-side.
The excessive size of the nose, either congenital or pathologic.
1. In computer science, a single, user-defined command that is part of an application and executes a series of commands.
2. A shorthand representation for a number of lines of computer code.
2. A shorthand representation for a number of lines of computer code.