macro-, macr-
(Greek: large, great; long [in extent or duration]; enlarged, or elongated, long [in length]; abnormally large)
The ecology of a macrohabitat or larger generalized area.
1. A branch of economics that focuses on the general features and processes that make up a national economy and the ways in which different segments of the economy are connected (takes a singular verb).
2. A branch of economics dealing with the broad and general aspects of an economy; such as, the relationship between the income and investments of a country as a whole.
2. A branch of economics dealing with the broad and general aspects of an economy; such as, the relationship between the income and investments of a country as a whole.
This is the field of economics that studies the behavior of the aggregate economy including economy-wide phenomena; such as, changes in unemployment, national income, rate of growth, gross domestic product, inflation, and price levels.
Macroeconomics is focused on the movement and trends in the economy as a whole, while in microeconomics the focus is placed on factors that affect the decisions made by firms and individuals.
The factors that are studied by macro and micro will often influence each other; for example, the current level of unemployment in the economy as a whole will affect the supply of workers which an oil company can hire from.
The economy viewed as a whole and in terms of all those factors that control its overall performance.
Any very large enzyme.
macroesthetic (adjective), more macroesthetic, most macroesthetic
Relating to a physical defect of tactile (touch) perception in which objects that are felt or handled appear to be much larger than they actually are: Quite often Janine's sister would pick up small things, such as the salt shaker and complain that it was too big for her to use. This was related to her macroesthetic awareness of size.
In metallography, etching to reveal structural features visible at no or at low magnification.
1. The process of evolutionary change as manifested over the course of geological time in biological events above the level of species. Also, transpecific evolution.
2. Evolution on a species level (speciation and extinction) and at higher taxonomic classifications (appearance and disappearance of genuses, families, orders, etc.).
2. Evolution on a species level (speciation and extinction) and at higher taxonomic classifications (appearance and disappearance of genuses, families, orders, etc.).
In computer programming, a sequence of statements produced from a macrogeneration operation.
One of the larger measures of electrical capacity, amounting to one million farads; also termed as, megafarad.
1. Widely distributed animals.
2. Animals of a habitat that contains a variety of environments and ecological niches capable of supporting a wide range of animals.
3. In zoology, animals visible to the naked eye.
2. Animals of a habitat that contains a variety of environments and ecological niches capable of supporting a wide range of animals.
3. In zoology, animals visible to the naked eye.

A helically twisted chain of bacterial cells, formed under certain culture conditions by Bacillus subtillis.
1. Plants that are large enough to be seen with the naked eye.
2. Widely distributed flora.
3. The flora of a macrohabitat.
2. Widely distributed flora.
3. The flora of a macrohabitat.
A reference to plants, including flowers, that are large enough to be seen with normal vision.
Plants which are visible to the naked eye.
macrofollicular adenoma
A disease of the thyroid gland, or other gland, characterized by large spaces that contain colloid.