ana-, an-, ano-, am-

(Greek: up, upward; back, backward, against; again, anew; used as a prefix)

anadipsic (adjective) (not comparable)
Descriptive of an excessive thirst, usually of water: In the fantasy story Jane was reading, the main character noticed, after three days of not being able to drink, that he was suffering from an anadipsic health problem and needed to find a river or lake to find some water!
1. Fish that spend most of their lives feeding in the open ocean, but migrate to spawn in freshwater.
2. Fish; such as, salmon and shad that return from the sea to the rivers where they were born in order to breed.

The best-known anadromous fish are salmon, which hatch in small freshwater streams, go down to the sea and dwell there for several years, then return to the same streams where they were hatched, spawn, and then die shortly thereafter.

The migration of fish; such as, adults or sub-adults, that go from salt water to fresh water to spawn.
The growth stage of hair development.
anagenesis, anagenetic
1. The regeneration or repair of bodily tissue or parts.
2. A progressive pattern of evolution of a species that results in linear descent with no branching or splitting of the population.
1. A three-dimensional visual effect created by dyeing each of two images a different color, usually red and green, and then viewing them through complementary-colored filters, one over each eye.
2. A stereogram in which the two views are printed or projected superimposed in complementary colors, usually red and blue.

By viewing through filter spectacles of corresponding complementary colors, a stereoscopic image is formed.

3. A decoration carved in low relief, so that the shape of the design projects only slightly from the background.
anaglyptographic (adjective), more anaglyptographic, most anaglyptographic
1. A reference to a machine, or system, that produces representations in relief, of coins, medals, etc.
2. The art of copying works in relief, or of engraving as to give the subject an embossed or raised appearance; used in representing coins, bas-reliefs, etc.

A bas-relief, or low relief, is a sculptural form in which figures are carved in a flat surface and project only slightly from the background rather than standing freely.

Depending on the degree of projection, reliefs may also be classified as either a high or a medium relief.

anaglyptography (s) (noun), aglyptographies (pl)
A machine for producing representations in relief, of coins, medals, etc.
anagogy (s) (noun), anagogies (pl)
1. A mystical interpretation of a word, passage, or text; anagoge: Anagogy is especially found in scriptural exegesis that discovers allusions to heaven or the afterlife.
2. Etymology: from Late Latin anagoge which came from Late Greek anagōgē, and from Greek, anagein, "to refer", from ana-, "up" + agein, "to lead".
1. A transposition of the letters of a word, name, or phrase, whereby a new word or phrase is formed.
2. A word or phrase that contains all the letters of another word or phrase in a different order; for example, "no more stars" is an anagram of "astronomers".

The word "now" is an anagram of "won" and "dread" is an anagram of "adder" (or vice versa in each example). Other interesting anagrams came from William Shakespear: "We all make his praise" and "I ask me has Will a peer?" Samuel Butler had a novel titled, Erewhon, which is an anagram of "Nowhere".

Another famous anagram comes from Pilate's question as seen in the Bible; John 18:38, Quid est veritus? (What is truth?) Vir est qui adest. (It is the man before you.) Pilate is not credited with having arranged this anagram.

The Bible passage merely says, "Pilate saith unto him, What is truth? And when he had said this, he went out again unto the Jews, and saith unto them, I find in him no fault [crime] at all." The point is, there is no reason to believe that Pilate compiled the anagram!

Man's security comes from within himself, and the security of all men is founded upon the security of the individual.

—Manly Hall
Related to anagrams or containing or making an anagram (a word or phrase spelled by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase).
anagrammatize (verb), anagrammatizes; anagrammatized; anagrammatizing
To transpose a word by changing it into another word by using a different arrangement of letters: Ann anagrammatized "lived" into "devil" when she was talking to her friend on the phone and her friend anagrammatized "secure" into "rescue"!
A proteid (protein) substance of liver, acting in the regeneration of erythrocytes or red blood cells.
An autocatalytic process that is thought to be characteristic of living matter by which certain molecules or atoms are rendered rich in energy and consequently reactive.

An autocatalytic process is a modification (usually acceleration) of a chemical reaction rate by addition of a catalyst (substance that can cause a change in the rate of a chemical reaction without itself being consumed in the reaction) which combines with the reactants but is ultimately regenerated so that its amount remains unchanged and the chemical equilibrium of the conditions of the reaction is not altered.

Molecules or atoms of the same kind but differing in their energy content are called kinetomers; one of high energy content is an anakinetomer or anakinetomeric form, one of low energy content is a catakinetomer or catakinetomeric form and is said to be in a catakinetic state.

1. Descriptive of processes which restore energy with the formation of energy-rich compounds.
2. A reference to anakinesis or an autocatalytic process, thought to be characteristic of living matter, by which certain molecules or atoms are rendered rich in energy and consequently reactive.