litho-, lith-, -lith, -lithic, -lite, -liths, -lites

(Greek: stone, rock; hard consolidated mineral matter; hard matter formed from mineral and earth material; hard substance that is solid)

A coarse-grained metamorphic rock in which the minerals are of roughly equal size.
Any kind of stone slate which is suitable, or proper, for writing on.
A stone monument or edifice (as a dolmen [prehistoric monument], a menhir [ancient megalithic stone monument], or an obelisk [a tall, four-sided shaft of stone, usually tapered and monolithic, that rises to a pointed pyramidal top]) erected for religious or ceremonial purposes.

A dolmen is a prehistoric monument usually consisting of several large stone slabs set edgewise in the earth to support a flat stone roof, all covered by a mound of earth that in most cases has weathered away.

Designed as a burial chamber, the structure is typical of the Neolithic Period in Europe. Dolmens, although found as far east as Japan, are mainly confined to western Europe and northern Africa.

heliolith (s) (noun), helioliths (pl)
The worship of the sun and of monuments or temples using huge stones.
heliolithic (adjective), more heliolithic, most heliolithic
A description of a culture, or society, characterized by worship of the sun and the construction of monuments or temples using huge stones.
Removal of a stone from a hepatic (liver) duct.
1. The crushing or fragmentation of a biliary calculus in the hepatic (liver) duct.
2. Crushing a biliary calculus in a hepatic duct.
Presence of calculi in the liver.
heterolith (s) (noun), heteroliths (pl)
An intestinal concretion not formed of mineral matter: A heterolith was a hair ball that was detected in the bowels of the cow.
A calculus or bezoar (concretion found in the stomach or intestine) found in the stomach of a horse.
1. A chemically precipitated aqueous rock; such as, rock salt.
2. A rock that is free of organic material.
Subcutaneous deposits of calcium. Also: calcinosis cutis.
Growing under rocks.
A calculus in the uterus or any kind of concretion in the uterus; such as, a calcified myoma (a tumor formed of muscle tissue).

Related "stone, rock" word families: lapid-; petro-; saxi-; stele-.