litho-, lith-, -lith, -lithic, -lite, -liths, -lites

(Greek: stone, rock; hard consolidated mineral matter; hard matter formed from mineral and earth material; hard substance that is solid)

Living embedded in the surface of rocks; such as, certain lichens.
A reference to plants that penetrate rock or other hard inorganic substratum.
A reference to plants that grow within a rock or any other hard inorganic substratum.
One of the oldest stone tools used by humans, believed by some scientists to have formed naturally.
1. Relating to the earliest part of the Stone Age, during which time simple stone tools began to be used.
2. Referring to the early period of the Stone Age marked by the use of crudely chipped flint.
epilithophyte (s), epilithophytes (pl)
Plants growing on the surfaces of stones, rocks, and other hard inorganic substrata.
A reference to a plant that grows on the surface of stones, rocks, and other hard inorganic substrata.
A plant that grows on the surface of a rock or other hard inorganic substrata.
A reference to plants that grow on the surfaces, or upper levels, of rocks or other hard inorganic substrata or layers that lie underneath other horizontal deposits or sediments of rock structures.
1. The concretion or calcified mass of fecal material; coprolith.
2. A hard, impacted mass of feces in the colon; constipation.
geolith; rock-stratigraphic unit; lithologic unit; lithostratic unit; lithostratigraphic unit; rock unit
A lithologically (rocky) homogeneous body of strata characterized by certain observable physical features, or by the dominance of a certain rock type or combination of rock types.

Rock-stratigraphic units include groups, formations, members, and beds.

geostatic pressure, ground pressure, lithostatic pressure, rock pressure (s) (noun); geostatic pressures; ground pressures; lithostatic pressures; rock pressures (pl)
The pressure of the weight of overburden exerted on a rock formation by movements of the Earth: One way how geostatic pressure takes place is by diastrophic forces that are caused by rock movements that shape the crust of the planet Earth.
glyptolith, ventifact
Stone shaped by sand or a rock, stone, or pebble that has been shaped, cut, or polished by wind-blown sand.

Related "stone, rock" word families: lapid-; petro-; saxi-; stele-.