(Latin: tie, bind)
1. The act of binding oneself by a social, legal, or moral tie.
2. A social, legal, or moral requirement; such as, a duty, contract, or promise that compels one to follow or avoid a particular course of action.
3. A course of action imposed by society, the law, or one's conscience by which a person is bound or restricted.
4. The constraining power of a promise, contract, law, or sense of duty.
5. In law, a legal agreement stipulating a specified payment or action; especially, if the agreement also specifies a penalty for failure to comply and the document containing the terms of such an agreement.
6. Something owed as payment or in return for a special service or favor for which one is indebted to another.
7. The state, fact, or feeling of being indebted to another for a special service or favor received.
8. Etymology: from Old French obligation (1235), from Laton obligationem, obligatio, "an engaging" or pledging"; literally, "a binding" (but rarely used in this sense), noun of action from obligare.
2. A social, legal, or moral requirement; such as, a duty, contract, or promise that compels one to follow or avoid a particular course of action.
3. A course of action imposed by society, the law, or one's conscience by which a person is bound or restricted.
4. The constraining power of a promise, contract, law, or sense of duty.
5. In law, a legal agreement stipulating a specified payment or action; especially, if the agreement also specifies a penalty for failure to comply and the document containing the terms of such an agreement.
6. Something owed as payment or in return for a special service or favor for which one is indebted to another.
7. The state, fact, or feeling of being indebted to another for a special service or favor received.
8. Etymology: from Old French obligation (1235), from Laton obligationem, obligatio, "an engaging" or pledging"; literally, "a binding" (but rarely used in this sense), noun of action from obligare.
The meaning is of "binding with promises" or "by law" or "duty". Oblige, with which it is usually confused, means "to do one a favor".
obligatory (adjective), more obligatory, most obligatory
1. Relating to something which is required by duty, compulsion, or convention to do something: The special training for new employees of the company is an obligatory action for all new personnel who want to work there.
2. A reference to a moral or legal accountability to fulfil a requirement: Margaret had the obligatory responsibility to take her daughter to the dentist.

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2. A reference to a moral or legal accountability to fulfil a requirement: Margaret had the obligatory responsibility to take her daughter to the dentist.

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Restricted to one particular kind of food or mode of eating; such as, obligate carnivore, obligate predator, obligate saprophyte, etc.
The term obligavore was coined in 2008 by Edward Walsh.
oblige (verb), obliges; obliged; obliging
1. To require or constrain, as by law, command, conscience, or force of necessity.
2. To bind morally or legally, as by a promise or contract.
3. To place under a debt of gratitude for some benefit, favor, or service.
4. Etymology: "to bind by oath", from Old French obligier, from Latin obligare, from ob-, "to" + ligare, "to bind".
2. To bind morally or legally, as by a promise or contract.
3. To place under a debt of gratitude for some benefit, favor, or service.
4. Etymology: "to bind by oath", from Old French obligier, from Latin obligare, from ob-, "to" + ligare, "to bind".
Main modern meaning "to make (someone) indebted by conferring a benefit or kindness" is from 1567; be obliged, "be bound by ties of gratitude" is from 1548. Obliging, "willing to do service or favors" is from 1632.
Characterized by being ready to do favors for others; accommodating.
Relating to ligament and bone.
1. A large meeting or gathering of people, usually organized by a movement or political party and intended to inspire and generate enthusiasm among those present.
2. A sudden recovery or improvement after a setback, crisis, or period of illness, inactivity, or deterioration.
3. A regrouping of a disorganized military force and the reestablishment of command over it, or the signal calling for this.
4. Etymology: "bring together", 1603, from French rallier; from Old French ralier, "reassemble, unite again"; from re-, "again" + alier, "unite".
2. A sudden recovery or improvement after a setback, crisis, or period of illness, inactivity, or deterioration.
3. A regrouping of a disorganized military force and the reestablishment of command over it, or the signal calling for this.
4. Etymology: "bring together", 1603, from French rallier; from Old French ralier, "reassemble, unite again"; from re-, "again" + alier, "unite".
1. The capacity of being dependable or trustworthy: Over all the years, the old car certainly showed total reliability in that it always started in the morning, even in the winter months.
2. The tendency of a measuring system, test, or observation to be resistant to failure: In the past years, studies have shown that there has been no reliability of it snowing around Christmas time, like it did a decade ago.
2. The tendency of a measuring system, test, or observation to be resistant to failure: In the past years, studies have shown that there has been no reliability of it snowing around Christmas time, like it did a decade ago.
reliable (adjective), more reliable, most reliable
1. Able to be trusted; dependable; consistently superior in quality: Mrs. Smart was a very reliable person who always arrived at work on time, kept up to date on her projects, and was always honest and truthful.
The washing machine was totally reliable and had never broken down!
2. Able to be trusted, to be accurate, and to provide correct information: The reports and facts given in the newspaper were always precise, true, and unfailingly reliable.
reliably (adverb), more reliably, most reliably
1. Concerning how a person acts in a faithful manner and can be trusted and depended on: Jim has always known Judy to be reliably optimistic because she inevitably has something positive to say of any situation that arrises, even though it might be a disastrous one!
2. Referring to something or someone that can be trusted or believed because of working or behaving well in the way one would expect: The dishwasher was always reliably efficient and never broke down.
2. Referring to something or someone that can be trusted or believed because of working or behaving well in the way one would expect: The dishwasher was always reliably efficient and never broke down.
1. Dependence on another person or on something such as a service or a device, and the need for something that he, she, or it provides.
2. Trust or confidence in the eventual fulfillment of a promise or in the eventual success of a plan.
3. Someone or something needed or depended on.
2. Trust or confidence in the eventual fulfillment of a promise or in the eventual success of a plan.
3. Someone or something needed or depended on.
1. Depending on or needing someone or something.
2. Having or exhibiting reliance; dependent: "She was reliant on medication so she could sleep."
2. Having or exhibiting reliance; dependent: "She was reliant on medication so she could sleep."
1. To be dependent on someone or something.
2. To have faith, trust, or confidence in a person or something.
2. To have faith, trust, or confidence in a person or something.
An alloy, often with a nickel, nickel-iron, or cobalt base, capable of withstanding very high temperatures, used in jet engines, rockets, etc.
Fibers that unite, or tie together, opposed bones forming a cranial suture.