leuko-, leuk-, -leukemia; alternate spellings: leuco-, leuc-, -leucemia

(Greek: leukos, white; the primary meaning now is the color "white"; but it also includes the meanings of "light, clear, bright")

leukopenic, leucopenic (adjective); more leukopenic, most leukopenic; more leucopenic, most leucopenic
Referring to the extraordinarily low number of white cells in the blood: The elderly Mr. Green was told by his doctor that he had a leukopenic condition in which the white blood cells were quite depleted to a very low count.
leukophagocytosis (s) (noun), leukophagocytoses (pl)
The ingestion of leukocytes by phagocytes: Judylearned in medical school, that some cells of the immune system engulf and destroy not only viruses and bacteria, but also white blood cells.
leukophobia (s) (noun) (no pl)
An extreme dread of the color white: For some people suffering from leukophobia, paleness may represent ill health or even ghosts to those who fear the supernatural, or they avoid having anything very pale in their homes.
leukophyl, leukophyll (s) (noun) (no pl)
A colourless matter isomeric with chlorophyll; leucophyll: Leukophyl is a substance that is contained in sections of plants able to turn green.
leukophyte (s) (noun), leukophytes (pl)
Am alga that is nonphotosynthetic and colorless: leucophyte: In botany, Ted viewed the leukophyte closely to see if he could detect any color at all.
leukoplast (s) (noun), leukoplasts (pl)
A colorless plastid in the plant cell cytoplasm around which starch collects: Leukoplasts are not only found in plants, but also in some animals, and can contain not only starch, but also oil, proteins, and pigments.
leukopoietic (adjective) (not comparable)
Pertaining to or characterised by leukopoiesis: A leukopoietic form of hematopoiesis in which white blood cells are created in the bone marrow and reticuloendothelial and lymphoid tissues, which form (respectively) the granulocytes, monocytes, and lymphocytes.
leukopoietin (s) (noun), leukopoietins (pl)
A type of substances created by neutrophils when encountering a foreign antigen: Leukopoietin is a hypothetical substance presumed to be the humoral means of regulating leukopoiesis.
leukorrhagia (s) (noun), leukorrhagias (pl)
An extraordinary amount of leukorrhea: Leukorrhagia relates to an excessive amount of vaginal discharge which is thick and whitish.
leukorrhea (s) (noun), leukorrhea (pl)
Discharge from the vagina of a white or yellowish viscid fluid; leukorrhagia.: Leukorrhea contains mucus and pus cells.
leukorrheal (adjective) (not comparable)
Relating to or characterized by leukorrhea: When Mary had a check-up at her gynaecologist's office, her doctor told her that she had a leukorrheal condition which could be treated successfully.
leukosarcoma (s) (noun), leukosarcomas; leukosarcomata (pl)
An obsolete term for malignant lymphoma: Leukosarcoma refers to a variation of malignant lymphoma in which the blood cells become leukemic or malignancy of the blood-forming cells in the bone marrow.
leukoscope, leucoscope (s) (noun); leukoscopes; leucoscopes (pl)
An instrument devised for testing the color perception of the eyes: A leukoscope can be use for comparing different lights as to their constituent colors or their relative whiteness.

A leukoscope is a tool for testing the eyes to determine the ability to distinguish variations in colors or the intensity of lights.

leukotactic (adjective) (not comparable)
Referring to that which attracts leukocytes: Leukotactic activity is brought on by chemokine in areas of injury and inflammations of a person't body.
leukotaxis (s) (noun) (no pl)
The ability to attract leukocytes: An infection, for example, can prompt a situation of leucotaxis into action.

Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units meaning "white": albo-; albumino-.