kine-, kin-, kino-, kinesio-, kinesi-, kineto-, kinet-, -kinesia, -kinesis, -kinetic, -kinesias, -kineses, -kinetical, -kinetically
(Greek: move, set in motion; muscular activity)
The performance of movements that are the reverse of those one is told to make; heterokinesis: At Dr. Smart's office, Jill's parents were told that their daughter had a condition of heterokinesia because all of the actions of her movements were the opposite of those she was told to do.
A reference to movement in the tissues of the body.
homeokinesis (s), homeokineses (pl)
A mitosis in which equal amounts of chromatin go to each daughter nucleus.
The study of the motion of a liquid apart from the cause of motion.
hydrokinesia, hydrokinesis
The purported psychic ability to mentally manipulate water in its solid, liquid, and gaseous states.
The therapeutic use of exercises performed while the patient is immersed in water.
1. Of or relating to hydrokinetics; to fluids in motion or the forces that produce or affect such motion.
2. Of or relating to the kinetic energy and motion of fluids.
3. The use of moving water or other fluid for therapeutic purposes, as in hydromassage.
2. Of or relating to the kinetic energy and motion of fluids.
3. The use of moving water or other fluid for therapeutic purposes, as in hydromassage.
hydrokinetics, hydrokinetically
1. The branch of physics concerned with the scientific study of the properties and behavior of fluids in motion.
2. That branch of kinetics concerned with fluids in motion.
3. The branch of hydrodynamics that deals with the laws governing liquids or gases in motion.
4. The study of water in motion and its therapeutic applications.
2. That branch of kinetics concerned with fluids in motion.
3. The branch of hydrodynamics that deals with the laws governing liquids or gases in motion.
4. The study of water in motion and its therapeutic applications.
A change in the rate of movement of an organism in response to a change in humidity.
Relating to a change in the rate of movements of an organism in response to a change in humidity.
Characterized by change in the rate of random movement of an organism expressed as a change in the frequency of turning movements in response to humidity stimulus.
hygro-orthokinetic, hygroorthokinetic
Relating to change in the rate of random movement of an organism in response to a humidity stimulus.
1. An abnormally active mechanical movement in the body; especially, of the stomach or intestine.
2. An excessive motor activity of a body part; such as, a to-and-fro movement.
2. An excessive motor activity of a body part; such as, a to-and-fro movement.
An abnormally active mechanical movement in the body; especially, of the stomach or intestine.
hyperkinesia (high" pur ki NEE zhuh, high" pur ki NEE zi uh)
1. A condition of abnormally increased muscular movement.
2. Purposeless and uncontrollable muscular movement; trembling, shaking, nervous twitching.
2. Purposeless and uncontrollable muscular movement; trembling, shaking, nervous twitching.