kine-, kin-, kino-, kinesio-, kinesi-, kineto-, kinet-, -kinesia, -kinesis, -kinetic, -kinesias, -kineses, -kinetical, -kinetically

(Greek: move, set in motion; muscular activity)

Without movement, or without much movement.

A term used in neurology to denote the absence (or poverty) of movement.

1. Motion blindness or an inability to perceive motion, despite stationary objects remaining more or less visible, due to brain damage disrupting input to the dorsal pathway.
2. A rare neuropsychological disorder, meaning it is a disorder between the nervous system and mental functions, or in this case between the brain and perception.

In this kind of disorder, the person affected by it cannot perceive motion. It may be caused by disruption to the cortical area in the middle temporal lobe.

It can also be caused as a side effect of certain antidepressant drugs, a result of damage by a stroke, or by certain brain surgeries.

allokinesia. allokinesis (s) (noun); allokinesias; allokineses (pl)
1. Passive or involuntary movement; drifting: The elderly Mr. Brown suffered from allokinesia and had problems eating at the table because of couldn't control his muscle movenents.

Allokinesia involves the involuntary copying in one limb of a voluntary movement in the opposite limb.

allokinetic (adjective), more more allokinetic, most allokinetic
1. Pertaining to something that moves passively: Plankton, for example, are allokinetic and drift in moving ocean water, the external stimulus.
2. Regarding something that moves in a passive or reflexive manner: Lightweight debris that is high in the water can be allokinetic and are affected by wind drift or windage.
anaesthecinesia, anesthecinesia (s) (noun); anaesthecinesias; anesthecinesias (pl)
The paralysis of motion accompanied by the loss of motor power or sensibility: Gerald had anesthecinesia which limited any normal bodily movements and so he had a combination of sensory and motor paralysis.
Nothing begins, and nothing ends,
That is not paid with moan;
For we are born in others’ pain,
And perish in our own.
-Francis Thompson
anaesthekinesia, anesthekinesia (s) (noun); anaesthekinesias; anesthekinesias (pl)
The loss of bodily sensibility or feelings and bodily movements: Hank was confined to a wheelchair because of the onset of anaesthekinesia which made him incapable of feeling anything, or picking up things with his fingers, walking, etc.
1. Descriptive of processes which restore energy with the formation of energy-rich compounds.
2. A reference to anakinesis or an autocatalytic process, thought to be characteristic of living matter, by which certain molecules or atoms are rendered rich in energy and consequently reactive.
Energy-rich atoms, molecules, or phrotoplasm.
1. Affecting the motions or movements of the heart and blood vessels.
2. Any agent that affects the movements of the heart and vessels.
1. Relating to, causing, or regulating constriction or dilation of blood vessels.
2. Change in the caliber of a blood vessel; also, vasomotion or vasomotor.
Relating to, causing, or regulating constriction or dilation of blood vessels.
anthropokinetics (pl) (noun) (a plural form used as a singular)
The study of the total human being in action, with integrated applications from the special fields of the biological and physical sciences, psychology, and sociology.
archeokinetic (adjective) (not comparable)
An outdated term denoting or relating to a primitive type of motor nerve mechanism: such as is found in the peripheral and the ganglionic nervous systems: The archeokinetic region in a person's body is found in the ganglionic and peripheral nervous systems.
arthrokinetic (adjective), more arthrokinetic, most arthrokinetic
Characteristic of the movements of the body's connecting junctions: The remarkable arthrokinetic movements of Jack, the long distance runner, were recorded on film so future runners could study his techniques.

Related "move, motion" word units: cine-; mobil-; mot-, mov-; oscillo-; seismo-; vibro-.