junct-, jug-, join-
(Latin: link, unite, yoke; bring together, meet, merge, engage in; combine)
jugular vein distention, jugular vein engorgement
A clinical indicator of obstruction to the return of blood to the right atrium because of congestive heart failure or a space-occupying lesion (injury) in the anterior thorax.
jugular; jugular vein, jugular veins
1. Veins in the neck that return blood from the head.
2. Relating to, or located in the region of the neck or throat; especially, two pairs of large veins, internal and external, that return blood to the heart from the head and neck..
3. Pertaining to any of certain large veins of the neck; especially one (external jugular vein) collecting blood from the superficial parts of the head or one (internal jugular vein) collecting blood from within the skull.
4. A large vein on the bottom surface of the neck that may be used to collect blood samples or to place catheters (thin flexible tubes which can be inserted into the body to permit the introduction or the withdrawal of fluids or to keep passageways open).
5. The most important or vulnerable part of something.
6. Etymology: from Modern Latin jugularis, from Latin jugulum, "collarbone, throat, neck"; diminutive (small version) of jugum, "yoke"; related to iungere, "to join".
2. Relating to, or located in the region of the neck or throat; especially, two pairs of large veins, internal and external, that return blood to the heart from the head and neck..
3. Pertaining to any of certain large veins of the neck; especially one (external jugular vein) collecting blood from the superficial parts of the head or one (internal jugular vein) collecting blood from within the skull.
4. A large vein on the bottom surface of the neck that may be used to collect blood samples or to place catheters (thin flexible tubes which can be inserted into the body to permit the introduction or the withdrawal of fluids or to keep passageways open).
5. The most important or vulnerable part of something.
6. Etymology: from Modern Latin jugularis, from Latin jugulum, "collarbone, throat, neck"; diminutive (small version) of jugum, "yoke"; related to iungere, "to join".
1. An attempt to cure or to suppress a disease by applying very severe, often life-threatening, measures.
2. To cut the throat of; to kill (in an obsolete sense).
2. To cut the throat of; to kill (in an obsolete sense).
1. A place where two or more highways, railroad lines, or rivers join together.
2. A connection between electrical wires or cables or between sections of a transmission line.
3. A layer of metal separating two metals with different properties and serving as a contact between them; especially, in a thermocouple.
4. A point in a semiconductor device at which regions with different electrical properties come into contact with each other.
5. A place or point where two or more things are joined; such as, a seam or joint.
2. A connection between electrical wires or cables or between sections of a transmission line.
3. A layer of metal separating two metals with different properties and serving as a contact between them; especially, in a thermocouple.
4. A point in a semiconductor device at which regions with different electrical properties come into contact with each other.
5. A place or point where two or more things are joined; such as, a seam or joint.
junction, juncture
junction (JUNGK shuhn) (noun)
An intersection or meeting of roads or railways: The town was prosperous when it was a railroad junction.
juncture (JUNGK chuhr) (noun)
A point of time made critical by a combination of circumstances: At this juncture, George must make a final decision regarding his future course.
When Benjamin and his family were traveling across the country by car, they came to a major highway junction. They had to decide if at this juncture in their trip, they should go south or turn east.
1. A point in time, especially an important or critical one.
2. A place where two things are joined; a junction or a joint.
3. The joining of one thing with another one, or their joined condition.
4. Etymology: "a place where two things are joined"; from Latin junctura, "a joining, a uniting, a joint"; from junctus and jungere, "to join".
2. A place where two things are joined; a junction or a joint.
3. The joining of one thing with another one, or their joined condition.
4. Etymology: "a place where two things are joined"; from Latin junctura, "a joining, a uniting, a joint"; from junctus and jungere, "to join".
1. A group of military officers who have taken control of a country following a coup d'état.
2. A small group of people; especially, one secretly assembled for a common goal.
3. In some parts of Central and South America, a council or other legislative body within a government.
4. Etymology: "Spanish legislative council", from Spanish junta, "council, meeting, convention"; from Modern Latin juncta, "joint"; from Latin juncta and jungere, "to join".
2. A small group of people; especially, one secretly assembled for a common goal.
3. In some parts of Central and South America, a council or other legislative body within a government.
4. Etymology: "Spanish legislative council", from Spanish junta, "council, meeting, convention"; from Modern Latin juncta, "joint"; from Latin juncta and jungere, "to join".
A small, usually secret group, united for a common interest; a variant of junta.
readjust (verb), readjusts; readjusted; readjusting
1. To adjust or to arrange again.
2. To adapt (oneself or something) again; especially, after an initial failure.
3. Etymology: from re-, "back, again" + adjust; from Late Latin adjuxtare, "to bring near"; from Latin ad-, "to" + juxta, "next" which is related to jungere, "to join".
2. To adapt (oneself or something) again; especially, after an initial failure.
3. Etymology: from re-, "back, again" + adjust; from Late Latin adjuxtare, "to bring near"; from Latin ad-, "to" + juxta, "next" which is related to jungere, "to join".
1. A rearrangement in the financial structure of a corporation; usually, less drastic than a reorganization.
2. A second, or subsequent adjustment; that is, a small change, a minor correction, or a modification.
2. A second, or subsequent adjustment; that is, a small change, a minor correction, or a modification.
rejoin (verb), rejoins; rejoined; rejoining
1. To say in reply, especially in sharp response to a reply.
2. To come again into the company of a person, a group, an organization, etc.
3. To join together again; to reunite, to meet up again with someone, or to go back to someone or something, usually after a brief period of being away or separated.
4. To join two things together again, or to become joined together or merged with something again.
2. To come again into the company of a person, a group, an organization, etc.
3. To join together again; to reunite, to meet up again with someone, or to go back to someone or something, usually after a brief period of being away or separated.
4. To join two things together again, or to become joined together or merged with something again.
1. A quick reply to a question or remark; especially, a witty or critical one.
2. A reply to something said; especially, one that is sharp, critical, angry, defensive, or clever.
3. In law, the rejoinder allows a defendant to present a more responsive and specific statement challenging the allegations made against him or her by the plaintiff.
2. A reply to something said; especially, one that is sharp, critical, angry, defensive, or clever.
3. In law, the rejoinder allows a defendant to present a more responsive and specific statement challenging the allegations made against him or her by the plaintiff.
1. Someone who joins together again or reunites.
2. Anyone who says something in reply; especially, to respond with a sharp, critical, angry, defensive, or clever remark.
2. Anyone who says something in reply; especially, to respond with a sharp, critical, angry, defensive, or clever remark.
saccus conjunctiva
Conjunctival sac: the potential space, lined by conjunctiva, between the eyelids and the eyeball.
An obsolete term for a conjunctivitis associated with chronic inflammation of the meibomian glands: Mrs. Hathaway suffered from seborrheic blepharoconjunctivitis, which could characterize her eyes as having swollen tarsal plates and frothy seborrheic secretion.