jet-, -ject, -jecting, -jected, -jection, -jector, -jectory; jacu-, jac-
(Latin: throw, send, fling, hurl, cast; gush; spurt)
jettison (verb), jettisons; jettisoned; jettisoning
1. To throw something overboard in order to lighten a ship or an aircraft that is in distress: The captain of the passenger plane jettisoned the fuel just before he made an emergency landing.
2. To discard or to get rid of something that is no longer wanted: The principal of the school was jettisoning the old computers and getting new ones before the students were to attend in September.
3. To reject something; such as, an idea or a plan: Mark and Mary decided to jettison their trip this winter because of the terrible weather conditions.

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2. To discard or to get rid of something that is no longer wanted: The principal of the school was jettisoning the old computers and getting new ones before the students were to attend in September.
3. To reject something; such as, an idea or a plan: Mark and Mary decided to jettison their trip this winter because of the terrible weather conditions.

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konimeter, coniometer, jet dust counter
1. An instrument for measuring the amount of dust in the air.
2. A portable instrument for making a rough and rapid evaluation of airborne dust concentrations.
2. A portable instrument for making a rough and rapid evaluation of airborne dust concentrations.
It consists of a hand-primed pump that draws a known volume of air through a jet on to a plate on which particles ar counted under magnification.
narcissistic object choice
Selection of another person like one's own self as the object of love, friendship, or liking.
nomen rejectum
Besides conservation of a name, the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN) also offers the option of rejection of a name, creating a nomen rejectum (rejected name) that cannot be used anymore. Rejection is possible for a name at any rank.
1. To offer a reason or argument in opposition.
2. To express or feel disapproval, dislike, or distaste; be averse to.
3. To refuse or attempt to refuse to permit some action, speech, etc.
4. Anything that is visible or tangible and is relatively stable in form.
2. A thing, person, or matter to which thought or action is directed: "It was an object of medical investigation."
3. The end toward which effort or action is directed; a goal; a purpose: "Profit is the object of any business."
2. To express or feel disapproval, dislike, or distaste; be averse to.
3. To refuse or attempt to refuse to permit some action, speech, etc.
4. Anything that is visible or tangible and is relatively stable in form.
2. A thing, person, or matter to which thought or action is directed: "It was an object of medical investigation."
3. The end toward which effort or action is directed; a goal; a purpose: "Profit is the object of any business."
object (verb), objects; objected; objecting
object name service, ONS
An Auto-ID Center-designed system for looking up unique Electronic Product Codes and pointing computers to information about the item associated with the code.
ONS is similar to the Domain Name Service, which points computers to sites on the internet.
1. A reason or argument offered in disagreement, opposition, refusal, or disapproval.
2. The act of objecting.
3. A ground or cause for objecting.
4. A feeling of disapproval, dislike, or disagreement.
2. The act of objecting.
3. A ground or cause for objecting.
4. A feeling of disapproval, dislike, or disagreement.
objectionable (adjective), more objectionable, most objectionable
Referring to offensive speech, manners, etiquette, propriety, etc.; unacceptable: Mike's mother could not tolerate his objectionable behavior any more, so she sent him to his room.
objectionably (adverb), more objectionably, most objectionably
Conveying how offensive or disapproving behavior, textual contents, etc. can be: Mason was told that before he tried to delete any objectionably written material from his news article, he should determine what would probably offend the readers.