(Latin: suffix used to form abstract nouns expressing act, state, quality, property, or condition corresponding to an adjective)
In the state or act of death; lifeless, inanimate; figuratively spiritless, dejected.
amphoricity (s), amphoricities (pl) (noun forms)
A condition in which something is amphoric or that which produces amphoric sounds that are similar to that produced by blowing air over the opening of a large bottle or jar: "As the doctor used his stethoscope, he heard the amphoricities that came from the patient's lungs."
The quality of exerting a masculinizing or virilizing action or effect; a property of androgenic hormones.
1. The characteristics of land-living vertebrate as opposed to plants: Humans and other animals are possessed with the ability to walk or run around which certainly is an animality!
2. The consideration of moving creatures as groups: Animalities are used in the classifications of animal kingdoms.
3. Relating to the physical, or non-rational, as distinct from the mental nature of humans: Animality involves the emotional and intellectual attributes that determine a person's actions and reactions.
2. The consideration of moving creatures as groups: Animalities are used in the classifications of animal kingdoms.
3. Relating to the physical, or non-rational, as distinct from the mental nature of humans: Animality involves the emotional and intellectual attributes that determine a person's actions and reactions.
1. A feeling or spirit of hostility, loathing, and resentment: Only one kind of passion is represented in animosity and that is the fervor of repugnance or revulsion.
2. A very strong and hostile dislike or hatred for others or for one’s situation: Gertrude, a TV reporter, developed animosity for those in the audience who criticized her overweight condition.
3. Etymology: animosity originally meant "animation, spirit", as the fire of a horse, called in Latin equi animositas.

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2. A very strong and hostile dislike or hatred for others or for one’s situation: Gertrude, a TV reporter, developed animosity for those in the audience who criticized her overweight condition.
3. Etymology: animosity originally meant "animation, spirit", as the fire of a horse, called in Latin equi animositas.
Its present exclusive use in a "bad sense" is an instance of the tendency by which words originally neutral have come to assume a bad meaning.

Here is an extreme example of animosity with elements of animalistic psychosis.

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1. The state of not being known or identified by name: The writer of the letter to the editor was not revealed as the one who wrote the complaint.
2. A lack of distinctive features that makes things seem bland or interchangeable.
3. Someone who is unnamed or unacknowledged as the doer of something.
4. The state of blending into a crowd and going unnoticed.
2. A lack of distinctive features that makes things seem bland or interchangeable.
3. Someone who is unnamed or unacknowledged as the doer of something.
4. The state of blending into a crowd and going unnoticed.
anthropocentric (adjective), more anthropocentric, most anthropocentric
1. Referring to humankind as the most important factor in all the existing matter and space: The anthropocentric conception is that people are the most significant entities or elements of the universe.
2. Descriptive of, or interpreting, natural events or conditions in terms of human values: Anthropocentric points of view involves seeing things by values and experiences; such as, the conditions of the environment are either good or bad.
2. Descriptive of, or interpreting, natural events or conditions in terms of human values: Anthropocentric points of view involves seeing things by values and experiences; such as, the conditions of the environment are either good or bad.
1. The state of being watery.
2. The quality or state of being moist or wet; moisture.
2. The quality or state of being moist or wet; moisture.
1. Great care and attention in doing something: As a biologist, Brian spent many days of assiduities striving to collect accurate information about the dinosaur bones that were discovered near his town.
2. Persistent application or diligence; unflagging effort: The assiduity of Mr. Monroe's students resulted in their graduating at the highest grade levels possible.
2. Persistent application or diligence; unflagging effort: The assiduity of Mr. Monroe's students resulted in their graduating at the highest grade levels possible.
1. The willingness to take courageous risks: The audacity of the fireman saved the life of the little girl when the apartment building was on fire.
2. Boldness which may be combined with disregard for the consequences; rashness, recklessness: Skydiving takes both audacity and skill.
3. Open disregard for proper behavior or morality; impudence: The woman had the audacity to walk out during the sermon in church.
4. Aggressive rudeness or unmitigated effrontery: Shirley had the audacity to challenge her father's decision that she should not stay out late.

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2. Boldness which may be combined with disregard for the consequences; rashness, recklessness: Skydiving takes both audacity and skill.
3. Open disregard for proper behavior or morality; impudence: The woman had the audacity to walk out during the sermon in church.
4. Aggressive rudeness or unmitigated effrontery: Shirley had the audacity to challenge her father's decision that she should not stay out late.

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Additional examples of audacity in action:

I asked you to tell me where you've been all afternoon! Don't tell me again that you were over at Jimmy's because I called and he said you weren't there. Now, tell me the truth!

Mother, do you have the audacity to doubt my veracity and to insinuate that I prevaricate when I am as pure and undefiled as the icicles that hang from a church steeple?
1. An immune state in which antibodies are formed against the person's own body tissues.
2. Antibody production by an organism in response to and against any of its own tissues.
2. Antibody production by an organism in response to and against any of its own tissues.
1. The quality of being like an uncle or mother's brother.
2. Suggestive of an uncle especially in kindliness or geniality: "Grace's brother showed avuncular indulgence whenever he was with his nieces and nephews."
2. Suggestive of an uncle especially in kindliness or geniality: "Grace's brother showed avuncular indulgence whenever he was with his nieces and nephews."