(Latin: suffix used to form abstract nouns expressing act, state, quality, property, or condition corresponding to an adjective)
1. The state or condition of having no clothes on.
2. Bareness or plainness, with no covering or decoration.
2. Bareness or plainness, with no covering or decoration.
Items or objects that can be counted or which can be calculated: The numerbilities of the books in the library were confirmed as the staff made an inventory of all of the books and itemized them.
1. A rhythm, harmony, or flow in multiplicity (a lot of something, usually countable and varied): There were numerosities of vocal and instrumental presentations at the musical competition.
2. That which is large in plentitude or a large abundance of something: The numerosity of people at the demonstration got the attention of government officials and the news media.
2. That which is large in plentitude or a large abundance of something: The numerosity of people at the demonstration got the attention of government officials and the news media.
A tendency to be obese: Greg's mother suffered from obesoclinity and was on a very strict diet.
The quality of being oily; oiliness: In the story Mandy was reading, there was no way that the robber could steal the gold coins because the fairies had them dipped in oil and this oleosity made the gold so slippery that they always fell out of his fingers when he tried to gather them up.
Causing the formation of tumors.
1. The state of being opaque (not allowing the passage of light); unperceptive, dense: Somehow the opacity of Joe's glasses was due to the lenses being smeared over and dirty.
2. On a radiograph, the phenomenon of not allowing the passage of electromagnetic radiation: Dr. Simpson complained about the opacity that the x-rays showed and wanted to have the process repeated.
3. Something that is obscure or incomprehensible: The authors hope that tbis dictionary is not characterized by opacity, but has clear and understandable definitions and example sentences.
2. On a radiograph, the phenomenon of not allowing the passage of electromagnetic radiation: Dr. Simpson complained about the opacity that the x-rays showed and wanted to have the process repeated.
3. Something that is obscure or incomprehensible: The authors hope that tbis dictionary is not characterized by opacity, but has clear and understandable definitions and example sentences.
Jim's math teacher was known for her opacity and his friends were all very frustrated, even after asking specific questions about the content of the lessons.
1. Something that is spread over an entire country or the whole world: A disease, such as influenza, may become a pandemicity, or ailment, that is suffered by multitudes of people in many parts of the world.
2. Etymology: from Greek pan-, "all, entirely" + demos, "people".
2. Etymology: from Greek pan-, "all, entirely" + demos, "people".
Smallness of mind or a small-minded person who is mean, selfish, or rude: Edgar showed a lot of parvanimity when he wouldn't loan his sister a pen when she needed it to write a note while she was talking on the phone.
Smallness. Now only in parvity of matter (after post-classical Latin parvitas materiae); triviality, especially regarding a sin or crime.
1. The state of being a father; fatherhood.
2. Male parentage; paternal origin.
3. Origin or authorship in general.
2. Male parentage; paternal origin.
3. Origin or authorship in general.
The capacity of a micro-organism to cause a disease: Pathogenicity can be described as how bacteria or viruses can quickly create an infection and can circulate rapidly among people.
A quality, a characteristic, or an unusual feature or habit: Sam had facial features and dress that showed a peculiarity of a woman with a beard and long hair.

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A condition in which someone acquires plenty of funds or assets: Bryan's pecuniosity resulted from having a web site that earned him thousands of dollars.
The physical nature of a soil as expressed by the features of its constituent peds: In her geology class, the students were asked to analyse the earth samples for their pedality.